#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # In[1]: # inspired from http://peterroelants.github.io/posts/neural_network_implementation_part05/ import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # In[2]: EPS = 10e-7 class Layer(object): def forward(self, h): """ Perform a forward step for the given layer and returns the result # Argument h: np.array of the previous layer # Return np.array of the activation """ def backward(self, grad): """ Perform the backpropagation of the layer. This method updates weights if necessary # Argument grad: np.array of the incoming gradient # Return np.array of the calculated gradient """ # In[3]: class Linear(Layer): def __init__(self, input_size, nb_neurons, lr=0.0001, freeze=False): self._weights = np.random.randn(input_size + 1, nb_neurons) * 0.1 self.lr = lr self.freeze = freeze def forward(self, h): self._h = np.concatenate((np.ones(1), h)) return self._weights.T.dot(self._h) def backward(self, grad): if not self.freeze: dW = grad[:, np.newaxis].dot(self._h[:, np.newaxis].T).T self._weights -= self.lr * dW return grad.dot(self._weights.T) class Relu(Layer): def forward(self, h): self._h = h return np.maximum(0, h) def backward(self, grad): return np.multiply(grad[1:], (self._h >= 0).astype(dtype=np.float)) class Sigmoid(Layer): def forward(self, h): self._h = h return 1 / (1 - np.exp(-h)) def backward(self, grad): pass class Softmax(Layer): def forward(self, h): self._h = h s = np.sum(np.exp(h)) return np.exp(h) / s def backward(self, y_true): return self._h - y_true def categorical_cross_entropy(y_true, y_pred): return - np.multiply(y_true, np.log(y_pred + EPS)).sum() # In[4]: class Model(object): def __init__(self, cost): self._layers = [] self._activations = [] self._cost = cost def add_layer(self, layer): self._layers.append(layer) def get_cost(self, y_true , y_pred): return self._cost(y_true, y_pred) def propagate(self, x): self._activations = [x] for layer in self._layers: self._activations.append(layer.forward(self._activations[-1])) def back_prop(self, y): cur_grad = None for layer in reversed(self._layers): Y = self._activations.pop() if cur_grad is None: cur_grad = layer.backward(y) else: cur_grad = layer.backward(cur_grad) def predict(self, X): predictions = [] for x in X: self.propagate(x) predictions.append(self._activations[-1]) return np.array(predictions) def score(self, X_test, y_test): y_pred = self.predict(X_test) return np.sum(np.argmax(y_pred, axis=1) == np.argmax(y_test, axis=1))/len(y_pred) def train(self, epochs, X_train, y_train, X_valid=None, y_valid=None): n_train, n_valid = len(y_train), len(y_valid) loss_epochs = [] val_loss_epochs = [] for _ in range(epochs): Ls = [] for i in range(n_train): x, y = X_train[i, :], y_train[i, :] self.propagate(x) L = self.get_cost(y, self._activations[-1]) Ls.append(L) self.back_prop(y) loss_epochs.append(np.mean(Ls)) Ls = [] for i in range(n_valid): x, y = X_valid[i, :], y_valid[i, :] self.propagate(x) L = self.get_cost(y, self._activations[-1]) Ls.append(L) val_loss_epochs.append(np.mean(Ls)) plt.title("Loss over {} epochs".format(str(epochs))) plt.plot(val_loss_epochs, 'b', label="Val Loss") plt.plot(loss_epochs, 'r', label="Loss") plt.legend() plt.show() # In[5]: model = Model(categorical_cross_entropy) model.add_layer(Linear(64, 20)) model.add_layer(Relu()) model.add_layer(Linear(20, 20)) model.add_layer(Relu()) model.add_layer(Linear(20, 10)) model.add_layer(Softmax()) # In[6]: # Test on MNIST from sklearn import datasets from keras.utils import to_categorical # The digits dataset digits = datasets.load_digits() targets = digits.target X, y = digits.data, to_categorical(targets) # In[7]: def split_data(X, y, percent): split = int(len(y) * percent) return X[:split, :], y[:split, :], X[split:, :], y[split:, :] X = (X - np.mean(X)) / np.std(X) X_train, y_train, X_valid, y_valid = split_data(X, y, 0.5) X_valid, y_valid, X_test, y_test = split_data(X_valid, y_valid, 0.5) model.train(1000, X_train, y_train, X_valid, y_valid) # In[8]: score = model.score(X_test, y_test) print("Accuracy = {}".format(str(score))) # In[ ]: