#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # ### x lines of Python # # # Read SEG-Y with `obspy` # # **This notebook goes with [a blog post at Agile*](http://ageo.co/xlines01).** # # Before going any further, you might like to know, [What is SEG-Y?](http://www.agilegeoscience.com/blog/2014/3/26/what-is-seg-y.html). See also the articles in [SubSurfWiki](http://www.subsurfwiki.org/wiki/SEG_Y) and [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SEG_Y). # # We'd like to read, alter, and write a SEG-Y file. We'll use the [obspy](https://github.com/obspy/obspy) seismology library to read and write SEG-Y data. # # Technical SEG-Y documentation: # # * [SEG-Y Rev 1](http://seg.org/Portals/0/SEG/News%20and%20Resources/Technical%20Standards/seg_y_rev1.pdf) # * [SEG-Y Rev 2 proposal](https://www.dropbox.com/s/txrqsfuwo59fjea/SEG-Y%20Rev%202.0%20Draft%20August%202015.pdf?dl=0) and [draft repo](http://community.seg.org/web/technical-standards-committee/documents/-/document_library/view/6062543) # #
# # ### Let's begin! # # The 2D seismic line in this post is from the [USGS NPRA Seismic Data Archive](http://energy.usgs.gov/GeochemistryGeophysics/SeismicDataProcessingInterpretation/NPRASeismicDataArchive.aspx), and are in the public domain. This is line number 3X_75_PR. # # First, some preliminaries: # In[1]: import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # ### Tip: you can run a code block by selecting it (click in it), then pressing Shift-Enter. # ## 2D data # # ObsPy is really meant for earthquake data, so tends to 'think' in terms of timeseries, as opposed to volumes or 2D lines. It's worth bearing this in mind. # The `headonly=True` option tells ObsPy only to read the header information, but not the traces. This is much faster than reading traces if the file is large. When you access the trace data, ObsPy will go and fetch them from the file. # In[2]: from obspy.io.segy.segy import _read_segy stream = _read_segy('../data/3X_75_PR.SGY', headonly=True) # In[3]: stream # When we load a 2D line, the stream looks like a list of ObsPy `Trace` objects (even though we didn't actually load the data yet, because of `headonly=True`). We can treat it like any other sequence. For example: # In[4]: one_trace = stream.traces[0] plt.figure(figsize=(16,2)) plt.plot(one_trace.data) plt.show() # We'll get the data from every trace and put it into a NumPy array for ease of manipulation. # # The [generator expression](https://docs.python.org/3/reference/expressions.html#generator-expressions) steps over every trace in `stream.traces` and gets its `data`, and then sends the data to `np.stack` which stacks them into an array. # In[5]: data = np.stack(t.data for t in stream.traces) # In[6]: data.shape # traces, time samples # Now we can have a look at what we got using `matplotlib.pyplot.imshow`, a handy way to treat a 2D array as an image. First let's get the 99th percentile of the amplitudes, to help scale the visualization (if we don't we often get what looks like a blank section). # In[7]: vm = np.percentile(data, 99) print("The 99th percentile is {:.0f}; the max amplitude is {:.0f}".format(vm, data.max())) # Now we can make the plot. Notice that we have to transpose the array to plot it like this. The reason is that we're storing things with traces in the first dimension ('rows' if you like), for convenience. This way `data[0]` refers to the first trace, not the first time sample. But `imshow` assumes that we're looking at a sort of image, with rows going across the image. # # I'll include this in the *x* lines, because I think it's an important QC step at this point. # In[8]: plt.imshow(data.T, cmap="Greys", vmin=-vm, vmax=vm, aspect='auto') # Only 4 lines of Python and we already have a display! # # We can make an even nicer plot quite easily. # In[9]: plt.figure(figsize=(18,6)) plt.imshow(data.T, cmap="RdBu", vmin=-vm, vmax=vm, aspect='auto') plt.colorbar() plt.show() # ## Read the file headers # # We can try to read the text header, using `decode` to turn it from bytes into a regular Python string, but it contains no line breaks. # In[10]: # If you get nonsense here, the header is probably EBCDIC encoded. # In that case pass ``encoding='cp037'`` to ``decode``. print(stream.textual_file_header.decode()) # Usually it's meant to be read with linebreaks, so let's use a bit of a hack to 'reshape' it into 40 lines of 80 characters: # In[11]: x = np.array(list(stream.textual_file_header.decode())) print('\n'.join(''.join(row) for row in x.reshape((40, 80)))) # Weirdly, the binary file header is easier to read: # In[12]: print(stream.binary_file_header) # ## Look at traces # # Since we're looking at headers, let's look at the header of the first trace: # In[13]: print(stream.traces[0].header) # Check what various fields look like: # In[14]: plt.plot([t.header.trace_sequence_number_within_segy_file for t in stream.traces]) plt.show() # ## Write data # In[15]: from obspy.core import AttribDict from obspy.core import Stats from obspy.core import Trace, Stream from obspy.io.segy.segy import SEGYBinaryFileHeader from obspy.io.segy.segy import SEGYTraceHeader # Let's make a change to the trace data, and save it as a new SEG-Y file. # In[16]: import bruges # In[17]: dt = stream.traces[0].header.sample_interval_in_ms_for_this_trace / 1e6 similarity = bruges.attribute.similarity(data, duration=0.16, dt=dt) # In[18]: plt.figure(figsize=(16,8)) plt.imshow(similarity.T, cmap="viridis", aspect='auto') plt.colorbar() plt.show() # Now we have something worth writing (OK, maybe not, this section is pretty boring, but whatever, you get the idea). We make a new `Stream` object from a sequence of `Trace` objects, putting their sample intervals in the headers — a requirement of ObsPy. # # This might seem really terse, but I'm on a budget :) It's basically the same as this long-hand, annotated Python, using `t` for 'a trace-like 1D array from my NumPy array' and `trace` for 'an ObsPy `Trace` object: # # out = Stream() # Make a new Stream object, basically an empty list-like thing. # for t in similarity: # Loop over all trace-like things in the similarity array. # header = {'delta': dt} # Make a header for the trace; ObsPy needs this. # trace = Trace(t, header=header) # Make the ObsPy Trace with the data and the header. # out.append(trace) # Append the Trace to the Stream. # # This short-hand form is called a generator expression, one of the most useful bits of Python there is. It does exactly the same thing. # In[19]: out = Stream(Trace(t, header=dict(delta=dt)) for t in similarity) # We should add some info to the header, which can contain up to 40 lines of 80 characters. We'll start by recycling the first ten lines of the existing header: # In[20]: out.stats = Stats(dict(textual_file_header=stream.textual_file_header[:800])) # Now we can add to it: # In[21]: out.stats.textual_file_header += """Similarity volume. Generated: 18 Sep 2016 by Matt Hall matt@agilegeoscience.com. Algorithm: github.com/agile-geoscience/bruges.attribute.similarity. Parameters: duration=0.16 s, dt=0.008 s.""".encode('utf-8') # And then write the file (there's a warning about ObsPy having to create the trace headers. We could have done this, but I'm on a budget!) # In[22]: out.write('out.sgy', format='SEGY', data_encoding=5) # encode 1 for IBM, 5 for IEEE # ## Validate what we did # # I figured you might not believe that this did what we wanted... so let's check the header of the file we just created. # In[23]: s = _read_segy('out.sgy', headonly=True) # In[24]: s.textual_file_header[:15*80] # First 15 lines. # And the actual trace data: # In[25]: plt.figure(figsize=(16,8)) plt.imshow(np.vstack(t.data for t in s.traces).T, cmap='viridis', aspect='auto') plt.colorbar() plt.show() #
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