#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # ### X lines of Python # # # Wedge model # # This is part of [an Agile blog series](http://ageo.co/xlines00) called **x lines of Python**. # # We start with the usual preliminaries. # In[1]: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np # ## Make an earth model # # We'll start off with an earth model --- an array of 'cells', each of which has some rock properties. # # Line 1 sets up some basic variables, then in line 2 I've used a little matrix-forming trick, `np.tri(m, n, k)`, which creates an *m* × *n* matrix with ones below the *k*th diagonal, and zeros above it. The `dtype` specification just makes sure we end up with integers, which we need later for the indexing trick. # # Then line 3 just sets every row above `depth//3` (the `//` is integer division, because NumPy prefers integers for indexing arrays), to 0. # In[2]: length, depth = 40, 100 model = 1 + np.tri(depth, length, -depth//3, dtype=int) model[:depth//3,:] = 0 # We'll have a quick look with some very basic plotting commands. # In[3]: plt.imshow(model, cmap='viridis', aspect=0.2) plt.show() # In[5]: model[60] # Now we can make some Vp-rho pairs (rock 0, rock 1, rock 2) and select from those with `np.take`. This works like `vlookup` in Excel --- it says "read this array, `model` in this case, in which the values *i* are like 0, 1, ... n, and give me the *i*th element from this other array, `rocks` in this case. # In[6]: rocks = np.array([[2700, 2750], # Vp, rho [2400, 2450], [2800, 3000]]) # **Edit:** I was using `np.take` here, but ['fancy indexing'](http://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/user/basics.indexing.html) is shorter and more intuitive. We are just going to index `rocks` using the integers in `model`. That is, if `model` has a `1`, we take the second element, `[2400, 2450]`, from `rocks`. We'll end up with an array containing the rocks corresponding to each element of `earth`. # In[7]: earth = rocks[model] # Now apply `np.product` to those Vp-rho pairs to get impedance at every sample. # # This might look a bit magical, but we're just telling Python to apply the function `product()` to every set of numbers it encounters on the last axis (index `-1`). The array `earth` has shape (100, 40, 2), so you can think of it as a 100 row x 40 column 'section' in which each 'sample' is occupied by a Vp-rho pair. That pair is in the last axis. So product, which just takes a bunch of numbers and multiplies them, will return the impedance (the product of Vp and rho) at each sample location. We'll end up with a new 100 x 40 'section' with impedance at every sample. # In[8]: imp = np.apply_along_axis(np.product, -1, earth) # We could have saved a step by taking from `np.product(rocks, axis=1)` but I like the elegance of having an earth model with a set of rock properties at each sample location. That's how I think about the earth --- and it's similar to the concept of a geocellular model. # ## Model seismic reflections # # Now we have an earth model — giving us acoustic impedance everywhere in this 2D grid — we define a function to compute reflection coefficients for every trace. # # I love this indexing trick though I admit it looks weird the first time you see it. It's easier to appreciate for a 1D array. Let's look at the differences: # # >>> a = np.array([1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3]) # >>> a[1:] - a[:-1] # array([0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0]) # # This is equivalent to: # # >>> np.diff(a, axis=0) # # But I prefer to spell it out so it's analogous to the sum on the denominator. # In[7]: rc = (imp[1:,:] - imp[:-1,:]) / (imp[1:,:] + imp[:-1,:]) plt.imshow(rc, cmap='Greys', aspect=0.2) plt.show() # We'll use a wavelet function from [`bruges`](https://github.com/agile-geoscience/bruges). This is not cheating! Well, I don't think it is... we could use `scipy.signal.ricker` but I can't figure out how to convert frequency into the 'width' parameter that function wants. Using the Ricker from `bruges` keeps things a bit simpler. # In[8]: import bruges w = bruges.filters.ricker(duration=0.100, dt=0.001, f=40) # Let's make sure it looks OK: # In[9]: plt.plot(w) plt.show() # Now one more application of `apply_along_axis`. We could use a loop to step over the traces, but the rule of thumb in Python is "if you are using a loop, you're doing it wrong.". So, we'll use `apply_along_axis`. # # It looks a bit more complicated this time, because we can't just pass a function like we did with `product` before. We want to pass in some more things, not just the trace that `apply_along_axis` is going to send it. So we use Python's 'unnamed function creator', `lambda` (in keeping with all things called `lambda`, it's a bad name that no-one can quite explain). # In[10]: synth = np.apply_along_axis(lambda t: np.convolve(t, w, mode='same'), axis=0, arr=rc) plt.imshow(synth, cmap="Greys", aspect=0.2) plt.show() # That's it! And it only needed 9 lines of Python! Not incldung boring old imports and plotting stuff. # # Here they are so you can count them: # In[11]: length, depth = 40, 100 model = 1 + np.tri(depth, length, -depth//3) model[:depth//3,:] = 0 rocks = np.array([[2700, 2750], [2400, 2450], [2800, 3000]]) earth = np.take(rocks, model.astype(int), axis=0) imp = np.apply_along_axis(np.product, -1, earth) rc = (imp[1:,:] - imp[:-1,:]) / (imp[1:,:] + imp[:-1,:]) w = bruges.filters.ricker(duration=0.100, dt=0.001, f=40) synth = np.apply_along_axis(lambda t: np.convolve(t, w, mode='same'), axis=0, arr=rc) # In[ ]: #
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