#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # # # ### 网络科学理论 # *** # *** # # 网络科学模型 # *** # *** # # 王成军 # # wangchengjun@nju.edu.cn # # 计算传播网 http://computational-communication.com # # # # # The random network model 随机网络模型 # # # Erdös-Rényi model (1960) # # Definition: A random graph is a graph of N nodes where each pair of nodes is connected by probability p. # # ### G(N, L) Model # N lableled nodes are connected with L randomly placed links. Erdös-Rényi(1959) # # ### G(N, p) Model # Each pair of N labeled nodes is connected with probability p. Gilbert (1959) # # ## To construct a random network: # - 1) Start with $N$ isolated nodes. # - 2) Select a node pair and generate a random number between 0 and 1. # If the number exceeds $p$, connect the selected node pair with a link, # otherwise leave them disconnected. # - 3) Repeat step (2) for each of the $\frac{N(N-1)}{2}$ node pairs. # The probability that a random network has exactly $L$ links and $N$ nodes: # # # $p_L = C_{\frac{N(N-1)}{2}}^L p^L (1-p)^{\frac{N(N-1)}{2} -L}$ # # # ## BINOMIAL DISTRIBUTION: MEAN AND VARIANCE # # **二项分布**即重复n次独立的**伯努利试验**。 # # > If we toss a fair coin N times, tails and heads occur with the same probability p = 1/2. The binomial distribution provides the probability $p_x$ that we obtain exactly x heads in a sequence of N throws. In general, the binomial distribution describes the number of successes in N independent experiments with two possible outcomes, in which the probability of one outcome is p, and of the other is 1-p. # # # $ p_x = \sum_{x}^N p^x (1-p)^{N-x}$ # # The mean of the distribution (first moment) is # # # $ = \sum_{x = 0}^N xp_x = Np$ # $P_L$is a binomial distribution, the **expected** number of links in a random graph is # # # $ = \sum_{L = 0}^{\frac{N(N-1)}{2}} L p_L = \frac{N(N-1)}{2} p$ # # $L_{max} = \frac{N(N-1)}{2}$ # # Thus, **the average degree** of a random network is : # # # $ = \frac{2}{N} = (N-1)p$ # $k_{max} = N-1$ # # In summary: # - the number of links in a random network varies between realizations. # - Its expected value is determined by **N** and **p**. # - If we increase p a random network becomes denser: # - The average number of links increase **linearly** from = 0 to Lmax # - and the average degree of a node increases from = 0 to = N-1. # # Degree Distribution # In a given realization of a random network some nodes gain numerous links, while others acquire only a few or no links. These differences are captured by the degree distribution, $p_k$. # # # $p_k$ is the probability that a randomly chosen node has degree $k$. # In a random network the probability that **node i** has exactly **$k$** links is the product of three terms: # # > ## $k_{max} = N-1$, 节点i的边的最大数量是N-1 # # # * The probability of node i having k links, or **$p^k$**. # * The probability that the remaining (N-1-k) links are missing, or $(1-p)^{N-1-k}$ # * The number of ways we can select $k$ links from $N- 1$ potential links a node can have, or $C_{N-1}^k$ # # Consequently the degree distribution of a random network is: # # # $p_k = C_{N-1}^k p^k (1-p)^{N-1-k}$ # # which follows **the binomial distribution**. The shape of this distribution depends on the system size $N$ and the # probability $p$. # # # POISSON DISTRIBUTION # # - Most real networks are **sparse**, meaning that for them $$ ≪ N. # - the degree distribution is well approximated by the Poisson distribution # # # $p_k = e^{-} \frac{^k}{k!}$ # # 大于平均度的节点数量随着度的增加指数下降 # # # # # **The evolution of random networks** # The relative size of the giant component in function of the average degree $$ in the Erdős-Rényi model. The figure illustrates the phase tranisition at $ = 1$, responsible for the emergence of a giant component with # nonzero $N_G$. **REAL NETWORKS ARE SUPERCRITICAL** # # The small world phenomenon 小世界现象 # also known as **six degrees of separation**, # has long fascinated the general public. It states that if you choose any two # individuals anywhere on Earth, you will find a path of at most six acquaintances # between them. # # - What does short (or small) mean, i.e. short compared to what? # - How do we explain the existence of these short distances? # # Consider a random network with average degree $$. # # A node i in this network has on average: # # - $$ nodes at distance one (d=1). # - $^2$ nodes at distance two (d=2). # - $^3$ nodes at distance three (d =3). # - ... # - $^d$ nodes at distance d. # # ![](./img/homework.jpg) # # # 从For循环的角度理解 # - 从这个节点i走一步,到达他/她的$$个朋友 # - 从节点i走两步,先到他/她的$$个朋友,再到每个朋友的$$个朋友。 # - 。。。 # # for $ ≈ 1,000$, which is the estimated number of acquaintences an individual has, we expect $10^6$ individuals at distance two and about a billion, i.e. almost the whole earth’s population, at distance three from us. # # 从一个开始的节点出发走d步,共有节点数量: # # $N(d) = 1 + + ^2 + ^3 + ...+ ^d = \frac{^{d+1}-1}{-1}$ # # 随机网络的直径 # # > the expected number of nodes up to distance d from our starting node is $N(d)$ # # > $N(d)$比N小,当$d = d_{max}$的时候: # # $N(d_{max}) \sim N$ # # 我们知道: # # > $N(d) = 1 + + ^2 + ^3 + ...+ ^d = \frac{^{d+1}-1}{-1}$ # # 若$$ 远大于1,那么: # > $N(d_{max}) = ^{d_{max}} \sim N $, # # 因此,$d_{max} = \frac{ln N}{ln }$ # # ### The diameter depends logarithmically on the system size. # # $d_{max} = \frac{ln N}{ln }$ # # ### The diameter depends logarithmically on the system size. # ### The $1/ln $ term implies that the denser the network, the smaller is the distance between the nodes. # # Let us illustrate the implications of (3.19) for social networks. Using $N ≈ 7 ×10^9$ and $ ≈ 10^3$, we obtain # # ## $d_{max} = \frac{ln 7 ×10^9}{ln 10^3} = 3.28$ # # I. de Sola Pool and M. Kochen. Contacts and Influence. Social Networks, 1: 5-51, 1978. # # # SIX DEGREES: EXPERIMENTAL CONFIRMATION # The first empirical study of the small world phenomena took place in 1967 # - Stanley Milgram, building on the work of Pool and Kochen, designed an experiment to measure the distances in social networks. # - Milgram chose a stock broker in Boston and a divinity student in Sharon, Massachusetts as targets. # - He then randomly selected residents of Wichita and Omaha, sending them a letter containing a short summary of the study’s purpose, a photograph, the name, address and information about the target person. # - They were asked to forward the letter to a friend, relative or acquantance who is most likely to know the target person. # # # He found that the median number of intermediates was 5.2, # Using Facebook’s social graph of May 2011, consisting of 721 million active users and 68 billion symmetric friendship links, researchers found: # # # an average distance 4.74 between the users. # # - Therefore, the study detected only ‘four degrees of separation’, closer to the prediction of than to Milgram’s six degrees. # # L. Backstrom, P. Boldi, M. Rosa, J. Ugander, and S. Vigna. Four degrees of separation. In ACM Web Science 2012: Conference Proceedings, pages 45−54. ACM Press, 2012. # # 大的聚集系数与小的网络直径如何并存? # # # # 大的聚集系数与小的网络直径如何并存? # # - 1D: For a one-dimensional lattice (a line of length N) the diameter and the average path length scale linearly with $N: dmax\sim \sim N$. # - 2D: For a square lattice $dmax \sim \sim N^{1/2}$. # - 3D: For a cubic lattice $dmax \sim \sim N^{1/3}$. # - dD: In general, for a d-dimensional lattice $dmax \sim \sim N^{1/d}$. # # In lattices the path lengths are significantly longer than in a random network. # # # # 邻居彼此认识吗? # Local clustering coefficient # # We need to estimate the expected number of links $L_i$ between the node’s $k_i$ neighbors. # # In a random network the probability that two of i’s neighbors link to each other is $p$. # # As there are $\frac{k_i(k_i - 1)}{2}$ possible links between the $k_i$ neighbors of node i, the expected value of $L_i$ is # # # $ = p\frac{k_i(k_i - 1)}{2}$ # # 局部聚集系数 # # ## $ = \frac{}{\frac{1}{2} k_i(k_i - 1)} = p = \frac{}{N}$ # # - For fixed $$, the larger the network, the smaller is a node’s clustering coefficient. # - The local clustering coefficient of a node is **independent** of the node’s degree. # # # WS模型 (1998) # # Duncan Watts and Steven Strogatz proposed an extension of the random network model motivated by two observations: # - (a) Small World Property: In real networks the average distance between two nodes depends logarithmically on N # - (b) High Clustering: The average clustering coefficient of real networks is much high- er than expected for a random network of similar N and L # # - a regular lattice has high clustering but lacks the small-world phenomenon. # - and a random network has low clustering, but displays the small-world property. # # > ## Numerical simulations indicate that for a range of rewiring parameters the model's average path length is low but the clustering coefficient is high # hence reproducing the coexistence of high clustering and small-world phenomena # # D. J. Watts and S. H. Strogatz. Collective dynamics of ‘small-world’ networks. Nature, 393: 409–10, 1998. # - The dependence of the average path length $d(p)$ and clustering coefficient $$ on the **rewiring parameter $p$**. # # - Note that $d(p)$ and $$ have been normalized by $d(0)$ and $$ obtained for a regular lattice. # - The rapid drop in $d(p)$ signals the onset of the small-world phenomenon. # - During this drop, $$ remains high. # - Hence in the range $0.001 # # In summary # - we find that the random network model does not capture the clustering of real networks. # - Instead real networks have a **much higher clustering coefficient** than expected for a random network of similar N and L. # - An extension of the random network model proposed by Watts and Strogatz [1998] addresses the coexistence of high and the small world property. # - It fails to explain, however, **why high-degree nodes have a smaller clustering coefficient than low-degree nodes**. # # # REAL NETWORKS ARE NOT POISSON # # BA模型 (1999) # # Barabasi (1999) Emergence of scaling in random networks.Science-509-12 # # ### Scaling-Free # # # # ### The Preferential Attachment Model # # # # 无标度的意义 # 度分布的n阶矩被定义为: # # $ = \sum_{k_{min}}^{k_{max}}k^np_k = \int_{k_{min}}^{k_{max}}k^np_kdk $ (1) # # 低阶矩具有明确的统计意义: # # * n = 1的时候,一阶矩是$$,即平均度。 # * n = 2的时候,二阶矩是$$,可以帮助计算方差 $ \delta^2 = - ^{2} $,测量了度的离散程度(the spread in the degrees)。 # * n = 3的时候,三阶矩是$$, 决定了度分布的偏度(skewness),测量了$p_k$围绕着$$的对称性。 # # 对于无标度网络而言,满足幂律分布: # # $p(k) = Ck^{-\gamma}$ (2) # # 由公式(1)和(2)可以得到: # # $ = \int_{k_{min}}^{k_{max}}k^np_kdk = C \frac{k_{max}^{n- \gamma +1} - k_{min}^{n - \gamma +1}}{n - \gamma + 1} $ (3) # # 可以使用wolframalpha的积分计算器积分来进行简单验证,例如x^(n-r)dx从10到100积分 网页链接:http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=integrate+x%5E%28n-r%29+dx+from+10+to+100 # 显然: # # * 当$n - \gamma +1 <= 0$时,随着$k_{max}增加,$$k_{max}^{n- \gamma +1} \rightarrow 0$。所有满足$n <= \gamma -1$的n阶矩都是有限的。 # * 当$n - \gamma +1 >0 $时,随着$k_{max}增加,$$k_{max}^{n- \gamma +1} \rightarrow \infty$。所有满足$n > \gamma -1$的n阶矩都是无极限的。 # # 对于无标度网络而言,一般幂参数$2 < \gamma < 3$,所以: # # * 对于n = 1的情况,即一阶矩平均度$$是有限的。 # # * 但对于n >= 2的情况,即$k^2$或$k^3$是无极限的。二阶和高阶矩无穷大是“无标度”的来源 # # # 无标度的意义 # > ### 在网络中随机抽取一个节点的度可以显著的不同于平均度$$ # # 上图最为直接的描绘出了这种特点,即与正态分布等相比,`无标度网络下降的慢`。 # # * 对于任何指数类型的分布,如泊松分布或高斯分布,随机选取一个节点的度在平均度附近,因此平均度就是这些网络的`尺度`。 # # * 对于一个幂律分布而言,因为二阶矩发散,在网络中随机抽取一个节点的度可以显著的不同于平均度$$, 因此平均度不再是网络的尺度,称之为无标度。 # # # # 对于不同的网络,平均度与标准差的取值 # # # 英国的天才 第一集 Genius of Britain: The Scientists Who Changed the World (2010) https://movie.douban.com/subject/4887415/ # # # 微积分, 数学 # # 连续平均场"Continuum Mean-Field" # ### "Mean-Field": many -> one # # > ## The complex interaction between a large number of components can be simplified into **a single averaged effect** of all the other individuals on any given one. # # ### "Continuum": discrete -> Continuous # # A discrete variables that is "smooth enough", i.e. increase by one unit in each period, such as time steps [1], spatial jumps [2-3], and population, can be viewed as a continuous geometric structure. # # Any measure on this structure, like degree [1], number of unique locations visited [2], and distance [3], can be described by differential equations. # # ## 模型设定 # * 初始状态有$m_0$个节点 # * 1. 增长原则:每次加入一个节点i (加入时间记为$t_i$), 每个节点的加入带来m条边,2m个度的增加 # ** 其中老节点分到的度数是m,新加入的那一个节点分到的度数为m # ** 那么到时间t的时候,网络的总节点数是$m_0 + t$,网络的总度数为$2mt$。 # * 2. 优先链接原则:每一次从m条边中占有一条边的概率正比于节点的度$k_i$ # ** 那么显然,加入的越早($t_i$越小)越容易获得更多的链接数。 # ** 从时间0开始,每一个时间步系统中的节点度$k_i$是不断增加的。 # # # ## 度的增长/时间依赖性 # $k_i$在一个时间步获得一个度的概率表示为$\prod (k_i) $, 那么有: # # $\prod (k_i) = \frac{k_i}{\sum k_i} = \frac{k_i}{2mt}$ # # > 也就是说,在时间点t,节点i获得一个度的概率(能力)是节点i的度占网络总度数的比值。 # # 一个时间步,$k_i$随t的变化率可以表达为: # # # $\frac{\partial k_i}{\partial t} = \Delta k \prod (k_i) = m \frac{k_i}{2mt} = \frac{k_i}{2t}$ # # # $\frac{\partial k_i}{k_i} = \frac{\partial t}{2t}$ # # # $\int \frac{1}{k_i} d k_i = \int \frac{1}{2t} dt$ # ## 积分结果 # # # $k_i = C (2t) ^ {-0.5}$ (1) # # 此时,根据模型的初始条件,每个新加入节点获得的度是m: # # $k_i(t_i) = m $ 代入公式(1) # # 可以得到$C = m(2t_i)^{-0.5}$ 公式(2) # # 代入公式(1),得到: # # $k_i = m (\frac{t}{t_i})^{0.5}$ 公式(3) # # 对于一个节点i,其加入网络的时间$t_i$是固定的,我们可以观察其度$k_i$随着时间的幂律关系。 # # ## 累积概率分布 # # 当我们思考一个累积概率分布的时候,我们想要的是$k_i(t) < k$的概率:$P(k_i(t) < k) $ # # 由公式$k_i = m (\frac{t}{t_i})^{0.5}$ 公式(3),可以知道: # # $P(k_i(t) < k) = P( m (\frac{t}{t_i})^{0.5} < k ) = P( t_i > \frac{m^2 t}{k^2} ) = 1 - P(t_i \leqslant \frac{m^2 t}{k^2} )$(4) # # 在初始状态$ t = 0$, 有$m_0$个节点,那么$t_{m_0} = 0$ # # 假设我们将节点加入的时间步是均匀的,那么$t_i$的概率是一个常数: # # $P(t_i) = \frac{1}{m_0 + t}$ 公式(5) # # ### 均匀分布的性质 # * 设连续型随机变量X的概率密度函数为 $f(x)=1/(b-a),a≤x≤b $, 则称随机变量X服从[a,b]上的均匀分布,记为X~U[a,b]。若[x1,x2]是[a,b]的任一子区间,则 $P{x_1≤x≤x_2}=(x_2-x_1) \frac{1}{b-a}$ # # 根据均匀分布的性质,将公式(5)代入公式(4)得到: # # $P(k_i(t) < k) = 1- \frac{m^2 t}{k^2} P(t_i) = 1 - \frac{m^2 t}{k^2 (m_0 + t)} $ 公式(6) # # # 对累积概率函数求微分,就可以到达概率密度函数: # # $P( k ) = \frac{\partial P(k_i(t) < k)}{\partial k} = \frac{2m^2 t}{m_0 + t} \frac{1}{k^3}$ 公式(7) # # 也就是说:$\gamma = 3$, 与m无关。 # # # # 参考文献 # - Barabasi 2016 Network Science. Cambridge # - Barabasi (1999) Emergence of scaling in random networks.Science-509-12.pdf # - Barabasi (1999) Mean-field theory for scale-free random networks. PA.pdf # - Albert & Barabasi (2002) Statistical mechanics of complex networks. RMP.pdf # - BA Model 计算传播百科 http://computational-communication.com/wiki/index.php?title=Mean_field_method#BA_Model # - Principle of Locality I: Hacking the Continuum Mean-Field Technique in Network Modeling http://www.jianshu.com/p/97f674267d3e # # In[ ]: