#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # # Magnetic potential for a Ring of Current # # # Source: # http://nptel.ac.in/courses/115101005/downloads/lectures-doc/Lecture-25.pdf and Bhooshan https://www.amazon.com/Fundamentals-Engineering-Electromagnetics-Sunil-Bhooshan/dp/0198077947/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1519255078&sr=8-4&keywords=bhooshan page 268 ex 8.17 # # Also thanks to Stephan Hoyer @shoyer for help with https://github.com/pydata/xarray/issues/1773 #

Table of Contents

# In[1]: from sympy import * init_printing() import numpy as np import xarray as xr import itertools as Iter import yt yt.toggle_interactivity() from scipy import constants as consts import matplotlib.pyplot as plt get_ipython().run_line_magic('matplotlib', 'notebook') # # Sympy Aspect # In[2]: I, x, y, z, r, rho0, theta=symbols('I, x, y, z, r, rho_0, theta') # In[3]: rdef=sqrt(x**2+y**2+z**2) thetaDef=atan2(z, rho0) rdef, thetaDef # In[4]: Ay=(consts.mu_0*rho0**2*I/4)*sin(theta)/r**2 Ay # In[5]: Ay=simplify(Ay.subs({theta:thetaDef, r: rdef})); Ay # In[6]: sups={rho0:.5, I:1} #current loop with radidis .5m with 1A sups # In[7]: AyN=lambdify((x, y, z), Ay.subs(sups), dummify=False) AyN(1,1,1) # In[8]: Bx=simplify(-Derivative(Ay, z).doit()); Bx # In[9]: BxN=lambdify((x, y, z), Bx.subs(sups), dummify=False) BxN(1,1,1) # In[10]: Bz=simplify(Derivative(Ay, x).doit()); Bz # In[11]: BzN=lambdify((x, y, z), Bz.subs(sups), dummify=False) BzN(1,1,1) # # Generate the xarray dataset for the data # In[12]: DomainSpaceSize = 6 # using cartesian 3D SpaceDensity = [10] # 100 divisions in space 5 in time # In[13]: x_coord = np.linspace(-DomainSpaceSize, +DomainSpaceSize, SpaceDensity[0]) y_coord = np.linspace(-DomainSpaceSize, +DomainSpaceSize, SpaceDensity[0]) z_coord = np.linspace(-DomainSpaceSize, +DomainSpaceSize, SpaceDensity[0]) # In[14]: CoorEnterFunc = lambda x, y, z: 1+0*x+0*y+0*z dx=xr.DataArray(x_coord, dims='x') dy=xr.DataArray(y_coord, dims='y') dz=xr.DataArray(z_coord, dims='z') # In[15]: SimDataSet = xr.Dataset({'Ay':(['x', 'y', 'z'], AyN(*np.meshgrid(x_coord, y_coord, z_coord)))}, coords={'x':x_coord, 'y':y_coord, 'z':z_coord}) SimDataSet.attrs['units']={'Ay':'V/s/m'} SimDataSet # In[16]: SimDataSet['Bx']=(['x', 'y', 'z',],BxN(*np.meshgrid(x_coord, y_coord, z_coord))) SimDataSet.attrs['units']['Bx']='T' SimDataSet # In[17]: SimDataSet['Bz']=(['x', 'y', 'z',],BzN(*np.meshgrid(x_coord, y_coord, z_coord))) SimDataSet.attrs['units']['Bz']='T' SimDataSet # # Transfer the xarray to yt # In[18]: bbox=[] for i in ['x', 'y', 'z']: bbox.append([float(SimDataSet.coords[i].min()), float(SimDataSet.coords[i].max())]) bbox=np.array(bbox) bbox # In[19]: YTDataObj= dict(MagPoty = (np.array(SimDataSet['Ay']), 'g/m**3'), MagFieldx = (np.array(SimDataSet['Bx']), 'g/m**3'), MagFieldz = (np.array(SimDataSet['Bz']), 'g/m**3') ) #would not except unit in SimDataSet.attrs['units']['ChargeDen'] had to fake with #'g/m**3' # In[20]: YTDataObj = yt.load_uniform_grid(YTDataObj, tuple(dict(SimDataSet.dims).values()), length_unit="m", bbox=bbox, nprocs=64) # Trying to do transfer function but giving up # In[21]: tf = yt.ColorTransferFunction((SimDataSet['Ay'].min(), SimDataSet['Ay'].max()), grey_opacity=False) tf.map_to_colormap(SimDataSet['Ay'].min(), SimDataSet['Ay'].max(), scale=15.0, colormap='algae') # # Plotting the Magnetic Potential # In[22]: MagPotyScene = yt.create_scene(YTDataObj, 'MagPoty') source2 = MagPotyScene[0] MagPotyScene.camera.set_width(MagPotyScene.quan(7, 'm')) # In[23]: MagPotyScene.show(sigma_clip=3) # the transfer function should have a defualt to the max min of the data cube #being renderd # # Plotting the Bx and Bz fields (attempting superposition from within yt) # In[24]: from yt.visualization.volume_rendering.api import Scene, VolumeSource # In[25]: sc = Scene() cam = sc.add_camera(YTDataObj, lens_type='perspective') cam.resolution = [400, 400] cam.position = YTDataObj.arr([9, 9, 9], 'm') cam.switch_orientation() # In[26]: BFx = VolumeSource(YTDataObj, field='MagFieldx') BFx.use_ghost_zones = True sc.add_source(BFx) sc.show( sigma_clip=1) # In[27]: # add rendering of x-velocity field BFz = VolumeSource(YTDataObj, field='MagFieldz') BFz.use_ghost_zones = True sc.add_source(BFz) sc.show( sigma_clip=1) # Not sure if this consulted the Bx and Bz fields into one image # In[ ]: