#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # # FRETBursts - μs-ALEX smFRET burst analysis # # *This notebook is part of a [tutorial series](https://github.com/OpenSMFS/FRETBursts_notebooks) for the [FRETBursts](http://opensmfs.github.io/FRETBursts/) burst analysis software.* # > In this notebook, we present a typical [FRETBursts](http://opensmfs.github.io/FRETBursts/) # > workflow for **μs-ALEX smFRET burst analysis**. # > Briefly, we show how to perform background estimation, burst search, burst selection, # > compute FRET histograms and ALEX histograms, do sub-population selection and finally, FRET efficiency fit. # # #
# If you are new to the notebook interface see # First Steps # before continuing. #
# # Before running the notebook, you can click on menu *Cell* -> *All Output* -> *Clear* # to clear all previous output. This will avoid mixing output from current execution and # the previously saved one. # # Loading the software # We start by loading **`FRETBursts`**: # In[1]: from fretbursts import * #
# Thanks in advance for remembering to cite FRETBursts in publications or presentations! #
# # Note that FRETBursts **version string** tells you the exact FRETBursts version (and revision) in use. # Storing the version in the notebook helps with reproducibility and # tracking software regressions. # # Next, we initialize the default plot style for the notebook # (under the hood it uses [seaborn](http://stanford.edu/~mwaskom/software/seaborn/)): # In[2]: sns = init_notebook() # Note that the previous command has no output. Finally, we print the version of some dependencies: # In[3]: import lmfit; lmfit.__version__ # In[4]: import phconvert; phconvert.__version__ # # Downloading the data file # The full list of smFRET measurements used in the [FRETBursts tutorials](https://github.com/OpenSMFS/FRETBursts_notebooks) # can be found on [Figshare](http://dx.doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.1456362). # # This is the file we will download: # In[5]: url = 'http://files.figshare.com/2182601/0023uLRpitc_NTP_20dT_0.5GndCl.hdf5' #
# You can change the url variable above to download your own data file. # This is useful if you are executing FRETBursts online and you want to use # your own data file. See # First Steps. #
# # Here, we download the data file and put it in a folder named `data`, # inside the notebook folder: # In[6]: download_file(url, save_dir='./data') # > **NOTE**: If you modified the `url` variable providing an invalid URL # > the previous command will fail. In this case, edit the cell containing # > the `url` and re-try the download. # # Selecting the data file # Use one of the following 2 methods to select a data file. # ## Option 1: Paste the file-name # Here, we can directly define the file name to be loaded: # In[7]: filename = "./data/0023uLRpitc_NTP_20dT_0.5GndCl.hdf5" filename # Now `filename` contains the path of the file you just selected. # Run again the previous cell to select a new file. In a following cell # we will check if the file actually exists. #
# When running the notebook online and using your own data file, # make sure to modify the previous cell. #
# See # First Steps. #
# ## Option 2: Use an "Open File" dialog # Alternatively, you can select a data file with an "Open File" windows. # Note that, since this only works in a local installation, the next commands # are commented (so nothing will happen when running the cell). # # If you want to try the File Dialog, you need to remove the `#` signs: # In[8]: # filename = OpenFileDialog() # filename # ## Check that the data file exists # Let's check that the file exists: # In[9]: import os if os.path.isfile(filename): print("Perfect, file found!") else: print("Sorry, file:\n%s not found" % filename) # # Load the selected file # We can finally load the data and store it in a variable called `d`: # In[10]: d = loader.photon_hdf5(filename) # If you don't get any message, the file is loaded successfully. # # We can also set the 3 correction coefficients: # # * leakage or bleed-through: `leakage` # * direct excitation: `dir_ex` (ALEX-only) # * gamma-factor `gamma` # In[11]: d.leakage = 0.11 d.dir_ex = 0.04 d.gamma = 1. # > **NOTE:** at any later moment, after burst search, a simple # > reassignment of these coefficient will update the burst # > data with the new correction values. # # μs-ALEX parameters # # At this point, timestamps and detectors numbers are contained in the `ph_times_t` and `det_t` attributes of `d`. Let's print them: # In[12]: d.ph_times_t, d.det_t # We need to define some ALEX parameters: # In[13]: d.add(det_donor_accept = (0, 1), alex_period = 4000, offset = 700, D_ON = (2180, 3900), A_ON = (200, 1800)) # Here the parameters are: # # - `det_donor_accept`: donor and acceptor channels # - `alex_period`: length of excitation period (in timestamps units) # - `D_ON` and `A_ON`: donor and acceptor excitation windows # - `offset`: the offset between the start of alternation and start of timestamping # (see also [Definition of alternation periods](http://photon-hdf5.readthedocs.org/en/latest/phdata.html#definition-of-alternation-periods)). # # To check that the above parameters are correct, we need to plot the histogram of timestamps (modulo the alternation period) and superimpose the two excitation period definitions to it: # In[14]: bpl.plot_alternation_hist(d) # If the previous alternation histogram looks correct, # the corresponding definitions of the excitation periods can be applied to the data using the following command: # In[15]: loader.alex_apply_period(d) # If the previous histogram does not look right, the parameters in the `d.add(...)` cell can be modified and checked by running the histogram plot cell until everything looks fine. Don't forget to apply the # parameters with `loader.usalex_apply_period(d)` as a last step. # # > **NOTE:** After applying the ALEX parameters a new array of # > timestamps containing only photons inside the excitation periods # > is created (name `d.ph_times_m`). To save memory, by default, # > the old timestamps array (`d.ph_times_t`) is deleted. Therefore, # > in the following, when we talk about all-photon selection we always # > refer to all photons inside both excitation periods. # ## Measurement infos # The entire measurement data is now stored in the variable `d`. Printing it # will give a compact representation containing the file-name and additional parameters: # In[16]: d # To check the **measurement duration** (in seconds) run: # In[17]: d.time_max # # Plotting basics # # In this section basic concepts of plotting with FRETBursts using the # timetrace plot as an example. # # To plot a timetrace of the measurement we use: # In[18]: dplot(d, timetrace); # Here, `dplot` is a generic wrapper (the same for all plots) # that takes care of setting up the figure, title and axis # (in the multispot case `dplot` creates multi-panel plot). # The second argument, `timetrace`, is the actual plot function. # All the eventual additional arguments passed to `dplot` are, # in turn, passed to the plot function (e.g. `timetrace`). # # If we look at the documentation for [`timetrace`](http://fretbursts.readthedocs.org/en/latest/plots.html#fretbursts.burst_plot.timetrace) # function we notice that it accepts a long list of arguments. # In python, when an argument is not specified, it will take the default # value specified in the function definition (see previus link). # # As an example, to change the bin size (i.e. duration) of the timetrace histogram, # we can look up in the [`timetrace` documentation](http://fretbursts.readthedocs.org/en/latest/plots.html#fretbursts.burst_plot.timetrace) # and find that the argument we need to modify is `binwidth` # (we can also see that the default value is `0.001` seconds). # We can then re-plot the timetrace using a bin of 0.5 ms: # In[19]: dplot(d, timetrace, binwidth=0.5e-3); # The timetrace is **computed** between `tmin` and `tmax` (by default 0 and 200s), # but as you can see is displayed only between 0 an 1 second, just because these # are the default x-axis limits. The axis limits can be changes by using the # standard matplotlib command `plt.xlim()`. # On the other hand, to change the range where the timetrace is **computed**, # we pass the additional arguments `tmin` and `tmax` as follows: # In[20]: dplot(d, timetrace, binwidth=0.5e-3, tmin=50, tmax=150) plt.xlim(51, 52); # When using FRETBursts in a notebook, all plots are static by default. # This is because we use the so called `inline` backend of matplotlib. # If you want to manipulate figures interactively, you can switch # to the interactive `notebook` backend with: # # ``` # %matplotlib notebook # ``` # # to go back to inline use: # # # ``` # %matplotlib inline # ``` # # **NOTE**: Currently, the `notebook` backend is incompatible with the QT backend. # If in a session you activate the `notebook` backend, then switching to the QT backend requires # restarting the notebook. Conversely, you can switch between `inline` and `notebook` # or between `inline` and `qt4` backends in the same session wihtou issues. # # > ### See also: # > # > - [bpl.timetrace](http://fretbursts.readthedocs.org/en/latest/plots.html#fretbursts.burst_plot.timetrace) # > function documentation # > - [bpl.ratetrace](http://fretbursts.readthedocs.org/en/latest/plots.html#fretbursts.burst_plot.ratetrace) # > function documentation # > - [Intensity timetrace and Rate-timetrace](#Intensity-timetrace-and-Rate-timetrace), a later section in this tutorial. # # Background estimation # # As a first step of the analysis, we need to estimate the background. # Here we will compute the background using the recommended approach of using # the auto-threshold. # # For more details see [Background estimation](Example - Background estimation.ipynb). # # ## Automatic threshold # # It is a good practice to monitor background rates as a function of time. # Here, we compute background in adjacent 30s windows (called *background periods*) # and plot the estimated rates as a function of time. # In[21]: d.calc_bg(bg.exp_fit, time_s=30, tail_min_us='auto') # In[22]: dplot(d, timetrace_bg) # > **NOTE**: All background data is stored in `d.bg`. For details on how to # > to export it see the [Background estimation](Example - Background estimation.ipynb) notebook. # # Burst analysis # The first step of burst analysis is the burst search. # # We will use the sliding-window algorithm on all photons. Note # that "all photons", as mentioned before, means all photons selected in the # alternation histogram. # An important variation compared to the classical sliding-windows # is that the threshold-rate for burst start is computed as # a function of the background and changes when the background # changes during the measurement. # # To perform a burst search evaluating the photon rate with # 10 photons (`m=10`), and selecting a minimum rate 6 times larger than # the background rate (F=6) calculated with all photons (default): # In[23]: d.burst_search(L=10, m=10, F=6) # The previous command performs the burst search, corrects # the bursts sizes for background, spectral leakage and direct excitation, # and computes $\gamma$-corrected FRET and Stoichiometry. # # See the # [`burst_search` documentation](http://fretbursts.readthedocs.org/en/latest/data_class.html#fretbursts.burstlib.Data.burst_search) for more details. # We can plot the resulting FRET histogram using the following command: # In[24]: dplot(d, hist_fret); # All pre-defined plots follow this pattern: # call the generic `dplot()` function, passing 2 parameters: # # - the measurement data (`d` in this case) # - the plot function (`hist_fret`) # # In some case we can add other optional parameters to tweak the plot. # # All plot functions start with `hist_` for histograms, # `scatter_` for scatter-plots or `timetrace_` for plots as a function # of measurement time. You can use autocompletion to find all # plot function or you can look in `bursts_plot.py` where # all plot functions are defined. # Instead of `hist_fret` we can use `hist_fret_kde` to add a [KDE](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kernel_density_estimation) overlay. Also, we can plot a **weighted histogram** by passing an additional parameter `weights`: # In[25]: dplot(d, hist_fret, show_kde=True); dplot(d, hist_fret, show_kde=True, weights='size'); # You can experiment with different weighting schema (for all # supported weights see `get_weigths()` function in `fret_fit.py`). # ## Burst selection # When we performed the burst search, we specified `L=10` without # explaining what this parameter means. *L* is traditionally the minimum size # (number of photons) for a burst: smaller bursts will be rejected. # By setting L=m (10 in this case) we are deciding to not discard # any burst (because the smallest detected burst has at least *m* counts). # # Selecting the bursts in a second step, by applying a minimum burst size criterion, # results in a more accurate and unbiased selection. # # For example, we can select bursts with more than 30 photons (after # background, gamma, leakage and direct excitation corrections) # and store the result in a new # `Data()` variable `ds`: # In[26]: ds = d.select_bursts(select_bursts.size, th1=30) # By defaults the burst size includes donor and acceptor photons # during donor excitation. To add acceptor photons during # acceptor excitation (`naa`), we add the parameter `add_naa=True`: # In[27]: ds = d.select_bursts(select_bursts.size, add_naa=True, th1=30) # Similar to plot functions, all selection functions # are defined in `select_bursts.py` and you can access them by typing # `select_bursts.` and using the TAB key for autocompletion. # # > **See also:** # > * [Burst selection](http://fretbursts.readthedocs.org/en/latest/burst_selection.html) in the documentation. # > In particular the function [`select_bursts.size`](http://fretbursts.readthedocs.org/en/latest/burst_selection.html#fretbursts.select_bursts.size) and [`Data.select_bursts`](http://fretbursts.readthedocs.org/en/latest/data_class.html#fretbursts.burstlib.Data.select_bursts). # # To replot the FRET histogram after selection (note that now # we are passing `ds` to the plot function): # In[28]: dplot(ds, hist_fret); # Note how the histogram exhibits much more clearly defined peaks after burst selection. # ## Histogram fitting and plotting style # # Under the hood the previous `hist_fret` plot creates a `MultiFitter` # object for $E$ values. This object, stored as `ds.E_fitter`, operates # on multi-channel data and computes the histogram, KDE and can fit # the histogram with a model ([lmfit.Model](http://lmfit.github.io/lmfit-py/model.html)). # # Now, just for illustration purposes, we fit the previous histogram with 3 Gaussians, using the already created `ds.E_fitter` object: # In[29]: ds.E_fitter.fit_histogram(mfit.factory_three_gaussians(), verbose=False) # In[30]: dplot(ds, hist_fret, show_model=True); # The bin width can be changed with `binwidth` argument. Alternatively, # an arbitrary array of bin edges can be passed in `bins` # (overriding `binwidth`). # # We can customize the appearance of this plot (type # `hist_fret?` for the complete set of arguments). # # For example to change from a bar plot to a line-plot # we use the `hist_style` argument: # In[31]: dplot(ds, hist_fret, show_model=True, hist_style='line') # We can customize the line-plot, bar-plot, the model # plot and the KDE plot by passing dictionaries with matplotlib # style. The name of the arguments are: # # - `hist_plot_style`: style for the histogram line-plot # - `hist_bar_style`: style for the histogram bar-plot # - `model_plot_style`: style for the model plot # - `kde_plot_style`: style for the KDE plot # # As an example: # In[32]: dplot(ds, hist_fret, show_model=True, hist_style='bar', show_kde=True, kde_plot_style = dict(linewidth=5, color='orange', alpha=0.6), hist_plot_style = dict(linewidth=3, markersize=8, color='b', alpha=0.6)) plt.legend(); # # Other plots # Similarly, we can plot the burst size using all photons # (type `hist_size?` to learn about all plot options): # In[33]: dplot(ds, hist_size, add_naa=True); # Or plot the burst size histogram for the different components: # In[34]: dplot(ds, hist_size_all); # > **NOTE:** The previous plot may generate a benign warning # > due to the presence of zeroes when switching to log scale. Just ignore it. # A scatterplot of Size *vs* FRET is created by: # In[35]: dplot(ds, scatter_fret_nd_na) xlim(-1, 2) # # Study of different populations # # ## Removing multi-mers # We can further select only bursts smaller than 300 photons # to get rid of multi-molecule events: # In[36]: ds2 = ds.select_bursts(select_bursts.size, th2=300) # and superimpose the two histograms before and after selection to see the difference: # In[37]: ax = dplot(ds2, hist_fret, hist_style='bar', show_kde=True, hist_bar_style = dict(facecolor='r', alpha=0.5, label='Hist. no large bursts'), kde_plot_style = dict(lw=3, color='m', label='KDE no large bursts')) dplot(ds, hist_fret, ax=ax, hist_style='bar', show_kde=True, hist_bar_style = dict(label='Hist. with large bursts'), kde_plot_style = dict(lw=3, label='KDE with large bursts')) plt.legend(); # > **NOTE:** It is not necessarily true that bursts with more that 300 photons # > represents multiple molecules. # > To asses the valididty of this assumption it can be useful to # > plot the peak count rates in each burst. See `hist_burst_phrate` # > for this kind of plot. # ## Fit and plot peak positions # # We can find the KDE peak position in a range (let say 0.2 ... 0.6): # In[38]: ds.E_fitter.find_kde_max(np.r_[0:1:0.0002], xmin=0.2, xmax=0.6) # and plot it with `show_kde_peak=True`, we also use `show_fit_value=True` to show a box with the fitted value: # In[39]: dplot(ds, hist_fret, hist_style='line', show_fit_value=True, show_kde=True, show_kde_peak=True); # Instead of using the KDE, we can use the peak position as fitted from a gaussian model. # In[40]: ds.E_fitter.fit_histogram(mfit.factory_three_gaussians(), verbose=False) # To select which peak to show we use `fit_from='p1_center'`: # In[41]: dplot(ds, hist_fret, hist_style='line', show_fit_value=True, fit_from='p2_center', show_model=True); # The string `'p2_center'` is the name of the parameter of the # gaussian fit that we want to show in the text box. To see all # the parameters of the model we look in: # In[42]: ds.E_fitter.params # <-- pandas DataFrame, one row per channel # ## ALEX plots # We can create a simple E-S scatter plot with `scatter_alex`: # In[43]: dplot(ds, scatter_alex, figsize=(4,4), mew=1, ms=4, mec='black', color='purple'); # We can also plot the ALEX histogram with a scatterplot overlay using `hist2d_alex`: # In[44]: dplot(ds, hist2d_alex); # Finally we can also plot an ALEX histogram and marginals # (joint plots) as follow (for more options see: # [Example - usALEX histogram](Example - usALEX histogram.ipynb)): # In[45]: alex_jointplot(ds); # To get rid of the large donor-only population, we can simply # select bursts with at least 10 photons in the acceptor channel # (during acceptor excitation). At the same time, # with a burst size selection using Dex photons we get rid # of the A-only population: # In[46]: ds = d.select_bursts(select_bursts.size, th1=20) ds2 = ds.select_bursts(select_bursts.naa, th1=10) alex_jointplot(ds2); # As you can see, we remained with only the FRET sub-populations. # # See next sections show how to select a region on the E/S # histogram to isolate a subpopulation. # ## Graphical selection of an E-S region #
# The graphical selection of E-S regions requires a local FRETBursts installation. # Therefore the commands below are commented by default. #

# If you have a local installation and you want to try commands below, # please uncomment (i.e. remove the inital #) from the lines # containing the %matplotlib command. #
# # # To select bursts graphically, we need to open the ALEX histogram # in a new (QT) window, drag the mouse to define a selection and # have it printed here in the notebook. # # Here we describe how to do it in 3 steps. # # **Step 1** Switch the plot modality to QT (i.e. opens graphs in a separate window): # In[47]: # Switches to open plot in external window #%matplotlib qt # **Step 2** Plot the E-S histogram in an external windows. There you can # use the mouse to select a region: # In[48]: # ALEX histogram with GUI selection enabled dplot(ds, hist2d_alex, gui_sel=True) # The region selection is printed above. # # **Step 3** Restore the normal inline plotting (no more external windows). # In[49]: # Switch back to show plots inline in the notebook #%matplotlib inline # ## Selection bursts by E-S values # To apply a selection based on E-S values, # we can paste the values obtained from the previous plot # (or we can type them in manually). # # The selection function used here is `select_bursts.ES`. # The same *E* and *S* boundaries can define either a rectangular # or an elliptical selection by using # respectively `rect=True` or `rect=False`. # Here we use the elliptical selection: # In[50]: roi = dict(E1=-0.07, E2=1.17, S1=0.18, S2=0.70, rect=False) d_fret_mix = ds.select_bursts(select_bursts.ES, **roi) # By plotting the FRET histogram we can double check that # the selection has been applied: # In[51]: g = alex_jointplot(d_fret_mix) bpl.plot_ES_selection(g.axes[0], **roi); # Now we can further separate high- and low FRET sub-populations. # In[52]: roi_high_fret = dict(E1=0.65, E2=1.09, S1=-0.13, S2=0.96) d_high_fret = d_fret_mix.select_bursts(select_bursts.ES, **roi_high_fret) roi_low_fret = dict(E1=-0.19, E2=0.64, S1=-0.05, S2=0.92) d_low_fret = d_fret_mix.select_bursts(select_bursts.ES, **roi_low_fret) # In[53]: alex_jointplot(d_high_fret); alex_jointplot(d_low_fret); # We can for example compute the ratio of high- and low-fret bursts: # In[54]: d_low_fret.num_bursts / d_high_fret.num_bursts # ## Burst Width analysis # To plot a burst-width histogram, we use `hist_width` instead of `hist_fret`: # In[55]: dplot(d_low_fret, hist_width) # To use a larger bin size, plots two sub-populations (in different color) and add a legend: # In[56]: ax = dplot(d_high_fret, hist_width, bins=(0, 10, 0.2)) dplot(d_low_fret, hist_width, bins=(0, 10, 0.2), ax=ax) plt.legend(['High-FRET population', 'Low-FRET population']); # Finally, we compute the mean burst width for each subpopulation: # In[57]: millisec = d.clk_p * 1e3 mean_b_width_low_fret = d_low_fret.mburst[0].width.mean() * millisec mean_b_width_high_fret = d_high_fret.mburst[0].width.mean() * millisec print('Mean burst width: %.1f ms (high-fret), %.1f (low-fret)' % (mean_b_width_high_fret, mean_b_width_low_fret)) # # FRET fit: in-depth example # # We can fit a FRET distribution to any model. For example, # we will fit the FRET selection (2 FRET sub-populations) with 2 Gaussians. # The fitting model is a [`Model` object](http://lmfit.github.io/lmfit-py/model.html) # from the [`lmfit` library](http://lmfit.github.io/lmfit-py/). # # The first step, previously performed implicitely by the `hist_fret()` # plot function, is to create a [MultiFitter](http://fretbursts.readthedocs.org/en/latest/mfit.html#the-multifitter-class) # object for $E$ and/or $S$, by calling [bext.bursts_fitter()](http://fretbursts.readthedocs.org/en/latest/plugins.html?highlight=bursts_fitter#fretbursts.burstlib_ext.bursts_fitter). # With `MultiFitter` objects, we can compute histograms, # KDEs and fit the histogram in one single step, as in the following example: # In[58]: E_fitter = bext.bursts_fitter(d_fret_mix, 'E', binwidth=0.03, bandwidth=0.03, model=mfit.factory_two_gaussians()) S_fitter = bext.bursts_fitter(d_fret_mix, 'S', binwidth=0.03, bandwidth=0.03, model=mfit.factory_gaussian()) # However if we want to modify the model (for example to add a # constrain) we need to perform the fit in a second step. # To skip the fitting, we simply avoid passing a `model`: # In[59]: E_fitter = bext.bursts_fitter(d_fret_mix, 'E', binwidth=0.03, bandwidth=0.03) S_fitter = bext.bursts_fitter(d_fret_mix, 'S', binwidth=0.03, bandwidth=0.03) # Now we create a model and initialize the parameters # using [`mfit.factory_two_gaussians()`](http://fretbursts.readthedocs.org/en/latest/mfit.html#fretbursts.mfit.factory_two_gaussians) # (see [Model factory functions](http://fretbursts.readthedocs.org/en/latest/mfit.html#model-factory-functions) # for a list of pre-defined models in FRETBursts): # In[60]: model = mfit.factory_two_gaussians(add_bridge=True) # We can see the list of parameters, initial values and constraints: # In[61]: model.print_param_hints() # We can change initial values and/or constrains (bounds): # In[62]: model.set_param_hint('p1_center', value=0.3, min=-0.1, max=0.6) model.set_param_hint('p2_center', value=0.85, min=0.5, max=1.1) model.print_param_hints() # Finally, we fit the histogram with one # of the [supported minimization methods](http://lmfit.github.io/lmfit-py/fitting.html#fit-engines-label) # (the default is least-squares): # In[63]: E_fitter.fit_histogram(model=model, verbose=False) # default method is 'leastsq' #E_fitter.fit_histogram(model=model, method='nelder') # example using simplex method # To plot the model with the fitted parameters on top of the FRET # histogram, we add `show_model=True` as seen before: # In[64]: dplot(d_fret_mix, hist_fret, show_model=True); # The fitting results of `lmfit` models are stored in [lmfit.ModelResult](https://lmfit.github.io/lmfit-py/model.html#the-modelresult-class) objects. In FRETBursts, these objects are available in `MultiFitter.fit_res`: # In[65]: E_fitter.fit_res[0] # Here the `[0]` indicates CH=0. This index is used in multispot measurements, in which # there are several channels. # # The values of the fitted parameters are available in the `best_values` # dictionary: # In[66]: results = E_fitter.fit_res[0] # In[67]: results.params.pretty_print(columns=['value']) # We can also print a complete report of fitted parameters # including reduced $\chi^2$, error ranges # ($\pm 1 \sigma$) and correlations: # In[68]: print(results.fit_report(min_correl=0.5)) # To customize the printed report, see [lmfit.fit_report()](https://lmfit.github.io/lmfit-py/fitting.html?highlight=fit_report#getting-and-printing-fit-reports) docs. # We can also take a look at the initial parameters: # In[69]: results.init_params.pretty_print() # We can compute more accurate confidence-intervals (note that # it can take several seconds, # see [lmfit docs](https://lmfit.github.io/lmfit-py/confidence.html) # for the method details): # In[70]: ci = results.conf_interval() lmfit.report_ci(ci) # Finally, FRETBursts's # [MultiFitter object](http://fretbursts.readthedocs.org/en/latest/mfit.html#the-multifitter-class) # (e.g. `E_fitter`) stores the fitted parameters in `E_fitter.params` as pandas DataFrame: # In[71]: E_fitter.params # For more information on fitting see: # # - [FRETBursts: Fit Framework](http://fretbursts.readthedocs.org/en/latest/fit.html) # - [lmfit Documentation](http://cars9.uchicago.edu/software/python/lmfit/index.html). # # Exporting Data # # To export data computed by FRETBursts, you need to find first where # the data is stored or, for data computed on fly, which function/method # is used to computed it. # # Most data computed by FRETBursts is stored in the `Data` object # (see the [Data docs](http://fretbursts.readthedocs.org/en/latest/data_class.html) for the list of attributes). # For example: # # - corrected burst counts are stored in `Data.nd`, `Data.na`, `Data.naa` # - timestamps are stored in `Data.ph_times_m` # # All these attributes are list of arrays, one per excitation spot. # This means that, even for single-spot data, we need to use indexing (`[0]`) # to obtain the array. For example: # In[72]: d.nd[0] # Any numpy array can be saved to disk with the method `.tofile()`. For example: # In[73]: d.nd[0].tofile('n_dd.csv', sep=',') # The background data is stored in `Data.bg` (and `Data.bg_mean`) attribute (see [Getting the background rates](#Getting-the-background-rates) in this notebook). This attribute is dict containing lists containing arrays (scalars) and ca be saved to disk similarly. # # ## Exporting burst data # # Part of burst data is stored in `Data` attributes (`mburst`, `nd`, `na`, `naa`) # and part is computed on fly (duration, raw counts, etc.). # # To put all burst data in a single "table" (a `pandas.DataFrame`), one row # per burst, we can use `bext.burst_data`: # In[74]: bursts = bext.burst_data(ds) bursts # > **NOTE**: For multi-spot data use the `ich` argument to get burst data # > for the different spots. # # This table (as any `pandas.DataFrame`) can be saved in a CSV text file with: # In[75]: bursts.to_csv('bursts.csv') # # Intensity timetrace and Rate timetrace # # For an initial inspection of a data file, it is common to compute an intensity *timetrace* plot (or timetrace for short). # We also can compute a similar plot called *ratetrace*, which does not bin counts # but shows the instantaneous count rate. In both cases, it is convenient to scroll # along the plot interactively. # # In FRETBursts, the two *timetrace* and *ratetrace* plots support # interactive scrolling. We just need to switch from the inline backend # to QT, as we did before. # #
# The graphical scrolling of timetraces requires a local FRETBursts installation. # Therefore the commands below are commented by default. #

# If you have a local installation and you want to try commands below, # please uncomment them by removing the inital #. #
# # # Here are the corresponding commands: # In[76]: #%matplotlib qt # In[77]: #dplot(ds, ratetrace, scroll=True, bursts=True) # In[78]: #dplot(ds, timetrace, tmax=600, scroll=True, bursts=True) # In[79]: #%matplotlib inline # Note that, to save memory, the previous plots stops will show the first 200 s # of measurement. # For both `timetrace` and `ratetrace`, you can extent (or reduce) the plotted # region passing the `tmin` and `tmax` arguments (values in seconds). # # > ### Related documentation: # > # > - [bpl.timetrace](http://fretbursts.readthedocs.org/en/latest/plots.html#fretbursts.burst_plot.timetrace) # > - [bpl.ratetrace](http://fretbursts.readthedocs.org/en/latest/plots.html#fretbursts.burst_plot.ratetrace) #
# This ends of the tutorial. #
# # ---- # # *Please send feedback and/or question by opening a new [GitHub Issue](https://github.com/OpenSMFS/FRETBursts/issues).*