#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # # Single Cell RNAseq Visualization Example # This notebook is an example of how to use the Jupyter interactive widget, [Clustergrammer-widget](https://github.com/MaayanLab/clustergrammer-widget), to visualize single cell RNAseq data from the publication # # "Single-cell analysis of mixed-lineage states leading to a binary cell fate choice" # Olsson A, Venkatasubramanian M, et.al. # Nature August 9th 2016 # [link-to-paper](http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v537/n7622/full/nature19348.html) # # The figure below is a slightly adapted version of [Figure 2A](http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v537/n7622/fig_tab/nature19348_F2.html) made fromt the available source data Excel file. # # In[4]: # import the widget from clustergrammer_widget import * from copy import deepcopy # load data into new network instance and cluster net = deepcopy(Network()) net.load_file('single_cell_RNAseq_Aronow.txt') net.make_clust() # view the results as a widget clustergrammer_widget(network = net.export_net_json()) # The above heatmap shows single-cell-clusters (see publication for details) as columns and differentially expressed genes as rows. Clustergrammer uses hierarchical clustering to identify clusters of cells and genes. We can see that single-cell-clusters largely cluster according to their categories (e.g. Gfi1-high). # In[ ]: