#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 #

Mass-Spring-Damper System with Direct Force Input


MCHE 485: Mechanical Vibrations


Dr. Joshua Vaughan
# joshua.vaughan@louisiana.edu
# http://www.ucs.louisiana.edu/~jev9637/


# A Direct-Force Mass-Spring-Damper System
# Figure 1: A Direct Force Mass-Spring-Damper System #

# # This notebook simluates the free vibration of a simple mass-spring-damper system like the one shown in Figure 1. More specifically, we'll look at how system response to non-zero initial conditions. # # The equation of motion for the system is: # # $ \quad m \ddot{x} + c \dot{x} + kx = f $ # # We could also rewrite this equation by dividing by the mass, $m$. # # $ \quad \ddot{x} + \frac{c}{m}\dot{x} + \frac{k}{m}x = \frac{f}{m}$ # # or equivalently: # # $ \quad \ddot{x} = - \frac{k}{m}x - \frac{c}{m}\dot{x} + \frac{f}{m}$ # # For information on how to obtain this equation, you can see the lectures at the [class website](http://www.ucs.louisiana.edu/~jev9637/MCHE485.html). # To simluate this system using a numerical solver, we need to rewrite this equation of motion, which is a 2nd-order differential equation, as a system of 1st-order differential equations. # # To do so, define a state vector as $ \bar{w} = \left[x \ \dot{x}\right]^T $. We can also define an input vector as $\bar{u} = \left[f \right]$. Since we only have one input to this system, the input vector only has one element. # # Then, the system of first-order ODEs we have to solve is: # # $ \quad \dot{\bar{w}} = g(\bar{w}, \bar{u}, t) $ # # Writing these out, we have: # # $ \quad \dot{\bar{w}} = \left[\dot{x} \right.$ # # $\phantom{\quad \dot{\bar{w}} = \left[\right.}\left. -\frac{k}{m}x - \frac{c}{m}\dot{x} - \frac{f}{m}\right] $ # # Now, we can use that system of 1st-order differential equations to simulate the system. # # To begin we will import the NumPy library, the matplotlib plotting library, and the ```odeint``` ODE solver from the SciPy library. # In[1]: import numpy as np # Grab all of the NumPy functions with nickname np # In[2]: get_ipython().run_line_magic('matplotlib', 'inline') # Import the plotting functions import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # In[3]: # Import the ODE solver from scipy.integrate import odeint # We need to define two functions for the differential equation solver to use. The first is just the system of differential equations to solve. I've defined it below by ```eq_of_motion()```. It is just the system of equations we wrote above. The second is the input force as a function of time. I have called it ```f()``` below. Here, it is just a pulse input in force, lasting 0.5 second. # In[4]: def eq_of_motion(w, t, p): """ Defines the differential equations for the direct-force mass-spring-damper system. Arguments: w : vector of the state variables: t : time p : vector of the parameters: """ x, x_dot = w m, k, c, StartTime, F_amp = p # Create sysODE = (x', x_dot') sysODE = [x_dot, -k/m * x - c/m * x_dot + f(t, p)/m] return sysODE def f(t, p): """ defines the disturbance force input to the system """ m, k, c, StartTime, F_amp = p # Select one of the two inputs below # Be sure to comment out the one you're not using # Input Option 1: # Just a step in force beginning at t=DistStart # f = F_amp * (t >= DistStart) # Input Option 2: # A pulse in force beginning at t=StartTime and ending at t=(StartTime + 0.5) f = F_amp * (t >= StartTime) * (t <= StartTime + 0.5) return f # In[5]: # Define the System Parameters m = 1.0 # kg k = (2.0 * np.pi)**2 # N/m (Selected to give an undamped natrual frequency of 1Hz) wn = np.sqrt(k / m) # Natural Frequency (rad/s) z = 0.1 # Define a desired damping ratio c = 2 * z * wn * m # calculate the damping coeff. to create it (N/(m/s)) # In[6]: # Set up simulation parameters # ODE solver parameters abserr = 1.0e-9 relerr = 1.0e-9 max_step = 0.01 stoptime = 10.0 numpoints = 10001 # Create the time samples for the output of the ODE solver t = np.linspace(0.0, stoptime, numpoints) # Initial conditions x_init = 0.0 # initial position x_dot_init = 0.0 # initial velocity # Set up the parameters for the input function StartTime = 0.5 # Time the f(t) input will begin F_amp = 10.0 # Amplitude of Disturbance force (N) # Pack the parameters and initial conditions into arrays p = [m, k, c, StartTime, F_amp] x0 = [x_init, x_dot_init] # Now, we will actually call the ode solver, using the ```odeint()``` function from the SciPy library. For more information on ```odeint```, see [the SciPy documentation](http://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/generated/scipy.integrate.odeint.html). # In[7]: # Call the ODE solver. resp = odeint(eq_of_motion, x0, t, args=(p,), atol=abserr, rtol=relerr, hmax=max_step) # The solver returns the time history of each state. To plot an individual response, we just simply pick the corresponding column. Below, we'll plot the position of the mass as a function of time. # In[8]: # Make the figure pretty, then plot the results # "pretty" parameters selected based on pdf output, not screen output # Many of these setting could also be made default by the .matplotlibrc file # Set the plot size - 3x2 aspect ratio is best fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 4)) ax = plt.gca() plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.17, left=0.17, top=0.96, right=0.96) # Change the axis units to serif plt.setp(ax.get_ymajorticklabels(),family='serif',fontsize=18) plt.setp(ax.get_xmajorticklabels(),family='serif',fontsize=18) ax.spines['right'].set_color('none') ax.spines['top'].set_color('none') ax.xaxis.set_ticks_position('bottom') ax.yaxis.set_ticks_position('left') # Turn on the plot grid and set appropriate linestyle and color ax.grid(True,linestyle=':',color='0.75') ax.set_axisbelow(True) # Define the X and Y axis labels plt.xlabel('Time (s)', family='serif', fontsize=22, weight='bold', labelpad=5) plt.ylabel('Position', family='serif', fontsize=22, weight='bold', labelpad=10) # Plot the first element of resp for all time. It corresponds to the position. plt.plot(t, resp[:,0], linewidth=2, linestyle = '-', label=r'Response') # uncomment below and set limits if needed # xlim(0,5) # ylim(0,10) # # Create the legend, then fix the fontsize # leg = plt.legend(loc='upper right', fancybox=True) # ltext = leg.get_texts() # plt.setp(ltext,family='serif',fontsize=18) # Adjust the page layout filling the page using the new tight_layout command plt.tight_layout(pad = 0.5) # save the figure as a high-res pdf in the current folder # It's saved at the original 6x4 size # plt.savefig('MCHE485_DirectForcePulseWithDamping.pdf') fig.set_size_inches(9, 6) # Resize the figure for better display in the notebook #
# #### Licenses # Code is licensed under a 3-clause BSD-style license. See the licenses/LICENSE.md file. # # Other content is provided under a [Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License](http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/), CC-BY-NC 4.0. # In[9]: # This cell will just improve the styling of the notebook from IPython.core.display import HTML import urllib.request response = urllib.request.urlopen("https://cl.ly/1B1y452Z1d35") HTML(response.read().decode("utf-8"))