#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # ![satacad](./images/satacadlogo.gif) # TOC: [2](./mm2.ipynb) [3](./mm3.ipynb) [4](./mm4.ipynb) [5](./mm5.ipynb) [6](./mm6.ipynb) # # # MARTIAN MATH IS SCIENCE FICTION # # [MM @ Reed](http://www.4dsolutions.net/satacad/martianmath/toc.html) (Earlier Edition) # # This was a class held at Reed College in 2018. I, Kirby Urner, was the instructor. I had an assistant, Jude, starting on the 2nd day. We did a combination of computer-based and hands on activities. I created a relaxed atmosphere. Some students booted games or explored related topics. The main activities were: # # * enhancing [Juptyer Notebooks](https://jupyter4edu.github.io/jupyter-edu-book/) or starting new ones from scratch # * cutting out A-modules from templates and folding them up # * assembling C6XTY "soccer balls" (this turned into a time test contest) # # Martian Math is an introduction to some mathematics against the backdrop of science fiction stories. I go over some of the history of science fiction involving Mars, including by visiting a website associated with a previous version of this class. We also talk about current research and explorations involving Mars. # # Is there life on Mars? # # Lets think about what might happen if: # # * Humans go to Mars # * Humans detect intelligent ETs (anywhere) # * Humans discover life on Mars (might be microbial) # * Martians come here (cite: [Orson Wells and the Panic Radio Show](http://www.scpr.org/programs/offramp/2013/10/09/33880/waroftheworlds/)) # # ET 208 @ Reed College # ### SYMBOLS # # Astronomers inherit symbols for the planets from Astrologers. # # By 2018, Pluto had been demoted from planethood, mainly because the solar system consists of myriad "celestial" bodies bigger than Pluto. # # ![symbols](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d7/Bezeichnung_der_Himmelsk%C3%B6rper_Encke_1850.png) # # ![symbol](./images/mars_symbol.jpg) # # ### PLANET # # ![mars](./images/mars.jpg) # # ### MARS IS SMALLER THAN EARTH # # ![Comparison](./images/Earth_Mars_Comparison.jpg) # In[2]: planets = ("Mercury", "Moon", "Venus", "Earth", "Mars", "Jupiter", "Saturn", "Uranus", "Neptune", "Pluto") for planet in planets: print(planet) # ### SPEAKING OF PLANETS... # # This is a Jupyter Notebook (note spelling). In Martian Math, we'll be learning how to create them and change them. # # Here's a link to [a Markdown Cheatsheet](https://github.com/adam-p/markdown-here/wiki/Markdown-Cheatsheet). # # ### More Resources # # Where can I find some pictures? # # * [Class Flickr Album](https://flic.kr/s/aHsmi8go79) # * [Martian Math Storyboard](https://flic.kr/s/aHsjrM3Fho) # # Where do I get the toys and kits? # # * [Magnetic MITEs][6] # * [Martian Base Parts (Lux)][7] # * [C6XTY][8] # * [ZomeTool][9] # # Where might I get the software? # # * [vZome][10] # # Where can I learn more Python? # # * [Python5 Github site](http://github.com/4dsolutions/Python5) # # Where can I learn more about Martian Math? # # * [Digital Math Curriculum][1] # * [The Concept of Dimension in Synergetics][2] # * [K. Urner Youtube playlist][3] # * [Synergetics on Wikipedia][4] # * [Quadray Coordinates on Wikipedia][5] # # [1]: http://wikieducator.org/Martian_Math # [2]: https://goo.gl/zoVYF1 # [3]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vk-cpknOz9E&list=PLeBIlkJm4xglicSifacG4eewD9CQaWvU0 # [4]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Synergetics_(Fuller) # [5]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quadray_coordinates "Quadrays on Wikipedia" # [6]: https://www.amazon.com/Popular-Playthings-Mag-Blocks-48-piece-Play/dp/B000OZV550 # [7]: https://www.luxblox.com/ # [8]: http://c6xty.com/ # [9]: http://zometool.com/ # [10]: http://vzome.com/home/index/