#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # # Offline Mode # Cufflinks support plotly's offline mode. # This service from plotly requires special permissions. # For more information please see https://plot.ly/python/offline/ # In[1]: import cufflinks as cf # In[ ]: # You can go offline on demand by using cf.go_offline() # In[3]: # To go back to online mode you can use cf.go_online() # #### Global Settings # You can also set permanently this setting (applies to all future notebooks) # In[ ]: cf.set_config_file(offline=True) # In[5]: cf.get_config_file() # In[3]: # And you are all set! cf.datagen.box(20).iplot(kind='box',legend=False) # `cf.iplot` can also be used to plot a Figure. # `online` can be used to make a execute the chart in the cloud # In[4]: fig=cf.datagen.histogram(3).figure(kind='histogram') cf.iplot(fig,online=True) # In[ ]: