from pyjstat import pyjstat from collections import OrderedDict import urllib2 import json dataset_url_1 = '' # Important: JSON data must be retrieved in order; # this can be accomplished using the object_pairs_hook parameter # of the json.load method. population_json_data = json.load(urllib2.urlopen(dataset_url_1), object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict) population_results = pyjstat.from_json_stat(population_json_data, naming="id") # Get the first result, since we're using only one input dataset population_dataset = population_results[0] # Filter the variable to plot population_data = population_dataset[population_dataset['ContentsCode'] == 'Folketallet11'] population_data.head() import vincent from vincent.values import ValueRef from IPython.display import display vincent.core.initialize_notebook() # Get the map data norway_topo = r'' geo_data = [{'name': 'norway', 'url': norway_topo, 'feature': 'norway'}] # Create the chart and bind the data to the map vis_map = vincent.Map(data=population_data, geo_data=geo_data, scale=1000, projection = 'mercator', center = [17.81, 63.4], data_bind='value', data_key='Region', map_key={'norway': 'properties.KOMM'}) vis_map.marks[0].properties.enter.stroke_opacity = ValueRef(value=0.5) # Get the categories for labeling the chart categories = pyjstat.get_dim_label(population_json_data['dataset'],'ContentsCode') # Plot the chart vis_map.legend(title= str(categories.loc['Folketallet11', 'label'])) display(vis_map) # Filter dataset by region (Oslo, for example ) oslo = population_dataset.loc[population_dataset['Region'] == 301, ['ContentsCode', 'value']] # Reindex the dataset for a better x-axis legend oslo = oslo.set_index('ContentsCode') # Remove non-comparable variables bar = vincent.Bar(oslo.iloc[1:10]) # Plot the chart bar.axis_titles(x='Variable', y='Population') display(bar) import datetime as dt import time dataset_url_2 = '' # Important: JSON data must be retrieved in order; # this can be accomplished using the object_pairs_hook parameter # of the json.load method. cpi_json_data = json.load(urllib2.urlopen(dataset_url_2), object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict) cpi_results = pyjstat.from_json_stat(cpi_json_data) # Get the first result, since we're using only one input dataset cpi_dataset = cpi_results[0] # Filter the variable to plot cpi_ts = cpi_dataset[cpi_dataset['contents'] == '12-month rate (per cent)'] # split time column into year and month and generate datetime column year, month = zip(*(s.split("M") for s in list(cpi_ts['time']))) dates = [dt.datetime(int(y) , int(m), 1) for m,y in zip(month,year)] # filter unwanted columns and add datetime column cpi_data = cpi_ts.loc[:,['consumption group','value']] cpi_data['dates'] = dates # pivot dataframe in order to get a column by category cpi_data = cpi_data.pivot(index='dates',columns='consumption group', values='value') # plot a line chart line = vincent.Line(cpi_data) line.scales[0].type = 'time' line.axis_titles(x='Time', y='Value') line.legend(title='Consumer Price Index - 12-month rate (per cent)') display(line) import numpy as np dataset_url_3 = '' # Important: JSON data must be retrieved in order; # this can be accomplished using the object_pairs_hook parameter # of the json.load method. iop_json_data = json.load(urllib2.urlopen(dataset_url_3), object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict) iop_results = pyjstat.from_json_stat(iop_json_data) # Get the first result, since we're using only one input dataset iop_dataset = iop_results[0] # Filter the variable to plot iop_ts = iop_dataset[iop_dataset['contents'] == 'Seasonally adjusted'] # split time column into year and month and generate datetime column year, month = zip(*(s.split("M") for s in list(iop_ts['time']))) dates = [dt.datetime(int(y) , int(m), 1) for m,y in zip(month,year)] # filter unwanted columns and add datetime column iop_data = iop_ts.loc[:,['industry/main industrial grouping','value']] iop_data['dates'] = dates # remove null-valued rows iop_data = iop_data[np.isfinite(iop_data['value'])] # pivot dataframe in order to get a column by category iop_data = iop_data.pivot(index='dates',columns='industry/main industrial grouping', values='value') # plot a multi-line chart multi = vincent.Line(iop_data) multi.scales[0].type = 'time' multi.axis_titles(x='Time', y='Value') multi.legend(title='Index of Production (2005=100) Seasonally adjusted') display(multi)