from scipy.signal import lfilter import scipy.stats as stats import matplotlib from IPython.core.display import display, HTML, Image # Choose the filter c1, c2 = (1.5,-0.90) # Plot c_range = np.linspace(-2,2,101) fig = plt.figure('coeff', figsize=(9,5)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111, aspect='equal', title='AR(2) coefficient space', xlabel='coeff $\phi_1$', ylabel='coeff $\phi_2$') # Plot the coeff point: ax.plot(c1, c2, 'r*', ms = 10) ax.plot(c_range, -c_range**2/4, 'r--', label='$\Delta=0$', color='#FF0000') ax.plot(c_range, -np.ones_like(c_range), 'b-', label='stability') ax.plot(c_range, 1-np.abs(c_range), 'b-', label='stability') ax.fill_between(c_range, -np.ones_like(c_range), 1-np.abs(c_range), color='#0077FF', alpha=0.05) ax.legend(loc='upper right') ax.set_xlim(-2.5,2.5); ax.set_ylim(-1.5,1.5) ax.grid(True) def Var_AR2(c1,c2): '''Variance of an AR(2) process X_k = c1 X_{k-1} + c2 X_{k-2} + Z_k with Z_k of unit variance ''' return 1/(1-c2**2 - c1**2 * (1+c2)/(1-c2)) def std_AR2(c1,c2): '''standard deviation of an AR(2) process''' return np.sqrt(Var_AR2(c1,c2)) # Apply the computation to the current coefficients Vx = Var_AR2(c1,c2) print('Variance for c1,c2 = (%.2f,%.2f) : Vx = %.2f' % (c1,c2, Vx)) display(HTML('Standard deviation sqrt(Vx) = %.2f * sigma_eps' % std_AR2(c1,c2))) N = 100 # Dirac Impulse: imp = np.zeros(N) imp[0] = 1 # Impulse response: imp_res = lfilter(b=[1], a=[1,-c1, -c2], x = imp) # Plot plt.figure('coeff', figsize=(10,5)) plt.plot(np.arange(N), imp_res, '-o') plt.title('AR(2) Impulse Response\n$(\phi_1, \phi_2) = (%.2f, %.2f)$' % (c1,c2)) plt.xlabel('instant k') plt.xlim(0,30) plt.grid(True) from numpy.polynomial import Polynomial p_ar = Polynomial([-c2, -c1, 1]) roots = p_ar.roots() if roots.dtype == np.float: print('Real roots: %.2f and %.2f' % tuple(roots) ) else: rho = np.abs(roots[0]) theta = np.abs(np.angle(roots[0])) print('Complex roots: %.2f exp(+/- %.2f)' % (rho, theta)) print('Pseudo-period: %.1f' %(2*np.pi/theta)) print('Frequency: %.2f (normalized /pi)' % (theta/np.pi)) delta = c1**2 + 4*c2 print('delta = %.2f' % delta) if delta > 0: display(HTML('Delta is positive ')) elif delta < 0: display(HTML('Delta is negative ')) else: display(HTML('Delta is zero ')) # Check Stability: if delta > 0: if np.abs(c1)<= 2 and c2 <= 1 - np.abs(c1): display(HTML('system is stable ')) else: display(HTML('system is unstable ')) # Check Stability: if delta < 0: if np.abs(c2)<= 1: display(HTML('system is stable ')) else: display(HTML('system is unstable ')) # Information about oscillations: if delta < 0: # Damping factor `r` r = np.sqrt(-c2) display(HTML('damping factor : r = %.3f' % r)) display(HTML('-> damping time (at 10 %%) : T_10 = %.1f' % (np.log(0.1)/np.log(r)))) # complex angle theta theta = np.arccos(c1/(2*r)) display(HTML('oscillation frequency : theta = %.2f (rad) = %.2f (normalized /pi)' % (theta, theta/np.pi))) display(HTML('-> oscillation period : T = %.1f' % (2*np.pi/theta))) c1_max = 2.5 c1_range = np.linspace(-c1_max,c1_max,1001).reshape(1,-1) c2_max = 1.5 c2_range = np.linspace(-c2_max,c2_max,801).reshape(-1,1) # Compute delta on a grid: delta_grid = c1_range**2 + 4*c2_range # Compute the magnitude: magnitude = (delta_grid<0) * np.sqrt(np.abs(c2_range)) + \ (delta_grid>=0)* (np.abs(c1_range) + np.sqrt(np.abs(delta_grid)))/2 ### Plot: fig = plt.figure('delta_img', figsize=(15,5)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111, title='Damping factor', aspect='equal', xlabel='coeff $\phi_1$', ylabel='coeff $\phi_2$') axim = ax.imshow(magnitude, origin='lower', aspect='equal', interpolation='nearest', extent=(-c1_max,c1_max, -c2_max,c2_max), vmax=2) ax.plot(c_range, -np.ones_like(c_range), 'b-', label='stability') ax.plot(c_range, 1-np.abs(c_range), 'b-', label='stability') ax.set_xlim(-c1_max, c1_max) fig.colorbar(axim); # Compute the cos(theta): cos_theta_grid = np.where(delta_grid<0, c1_range/(2*np.sqrt(-c2_range)) , np.nan) theta_grid = np.arccos(cos_theta_grid) freq_grid = theta_grid/np.pi ### Plot: fig = plt.figure('delta_img', figsize=(15,5)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111, title='normalized frequency map', aspect='equal', xlabel='coeff $\phi_1$', ylabel='coeff $\phi_2$') axim = ax.imshow(freq_grid, origin='lower', aspect='equal', interpolation='nearest', extent=(-c1_max,c1_max, -c2_max,c2_max)) ax.plot(c_range, -np.ones_like(c_range), 'b-', label='stability') ax.plot(c_range, 1-np.abs(c_range), 'b-', label='stability') ax.set_xlim(-c1_max, c1_max) fig.colorbar(axim); N0 = 0 # Burn-in instants N = 2000 # White noise input noise = np.random.randn(N0+N) X_traj = lfilter(b=[1], a=[1,-c1, -c2], x = noise)[N0:] # Normalize with the theoretical standard deviation X_traj = X_traj/np.sqrt(Vx) # Plot fig = plt.figure('stochastic trajectory', figsize=(10,8)) fig.add_subplot(211, title='AR(2) Stochastic Trajectory\n$(\phi_1, \phi_2) = (%.2f, %.2f)$' % (c1,c2), xlabel='') plt.plot(np.arange(N), X_traj, '-') fig.add_subplot(212, title='Stochastic Trajectory : zoom', xlabel='instant k') plt.plot(np.arange(N), X_traj, '-o') plt.xlim(N-100,N) plt.grid(True) # Histogram plot fig = plt.figure('histogram', figsize=(15,5)) fig.add_subplot(122, title='Histogram\n$(\phi_1, \phi_2) = (%.2f, %.2f)$' % (c1,c2), xlabel='$x_k$') plt.hist(h, bins=50, normed=True) print('Observed standard deviation, with %d instants : %.2f (1.0 expected)' % (N, h.std())) # Appendix : Get this result with sympy from sympy import symbols, simplify, factor, expand, I from sympy import exp, cos, sin c1sym, c2sym, wsym, x = symbols('phi1 phi2 omega C', real=True) fsym = 1-c1sym*exp(I*wsym) - c2sym*exp(2*I*wsym) f2sym = fsym *fsym.conjugate() # f2 = |f|^2 f2sym = simplify(expand(f2sym, complex=True,trig=True)) f2sym = f2sym.subs({cos(wsym):x, sin(wsym)**2:1-x**2}) 1/factor(f2sym, x) def spectrum_ar2(c1,c2,w, normed=True): '''spectrum of an AR(2) process with unit variance input ''' cosw = np.cos(w) f = 1/(1 + 2*c2 + c1**2 + c2**2 + 2*c1*(c2-1)*cosw - 4*c2*cosw**2) if normed: return f/Var_AR2(c1, c2) else: return f # Peak frequency def peak_ar2(c1,c2): '''peak frequency of an AR2 spectrum (when there is indeed a peak... )''' return np.arccos(c1*(c2-1)/(4*c2)) omega_max = peak_ar2(c1,c2) display(HTML('Peak frequency : %.2f (normalized /pi)' % (omega_max/np.pi))) N_omega = 4000 omega_list = np.linspace(0, np.pi, N_omega) # Spectral Density c1a, c2a = (1.5,-0.90) poly_a = Polynomial([1, -c1a, -c2a]) f_ar2a = 1/np.abs(poly_a(np.exp(1j * omega_list)))**2 /Var_AR2(c1a, c2a) omega_max_a = peak_ar2(c1a,c2a) # another set of parameters c1b, c2b = (1.8,-0.90) poly_b = Polynomial([1, -c1b, -c2b]) f_ar2b = 1/np.abs(poly_b(np.exp(1j * omega_list)))**2 /Var_AR2(c1b, c2b) omega_max_b = peak_ar2(c1b,c2b) # another set of parameters c1c, c2c = (1.4,-0.80) poly_c = Polynomial([1, -c1c, -c2c]) f_ar2c = 1/np.abs(poly_c(np.exp(1j * omega_list)))**2 /Var_AR2(c1c, c2c) omega_max_c = peak_ar2(c1c,c2c) # Plot fig = plt.figure('spectrum', figsize=(10,5)) fig.add_subplot(111, title='Spectral density of an AR(2) process (normalized)', xlabel='normalized frequency $\omega/\pi$' ) plt.plot(omega_list/np.pi, f_ar2a, 'b-', label='$(\phi_1, \phi_2) = (%.2f, %.2f)$' % (c1a,c2a)) plt.plot(omega_max_a/np.pi, spectrum_ar2(c1a,c2a,omega_max_a), 'b*') plt.plot(omega_list/np.pi, f_ar2b, 'r-', label='$(\phi_1, \phi_2) = (%.2f, %.2f)$' % (c1b,c2b)) plt.plot(omega_max_b/np.pi, spectrum_ar2(c1b,c2b,omega_max_b), 'r*') plt.plot(omega_list/np.pi, f_ar2c, 'g-', label='$(\phi_1, \phi_2) = (%.2f, %.2f)$' % (c1c,c2c)) plt.plot(omega_max_c/np.pi, spectrum_ar2(c1c,c2c,omega_max_c), 'g*') plt.legend(); # Check that the intergral is one print f_ar2a.sum()/N_omega print f_ar2b.sum()/N_omega print f_ar2c.sum()/N_omega Hs = 4. # (m) Tp = 10. # (s) fs = 10. # (Hz) sampling freq A = 5/16 * Hs**2 /Tp**4 B = 5/4 / Tp**4 f_list = omega_list/(2*pi)*fs f_Bret = A/f_list**5 * np.exp(-B/f_list**4) f_Bret[0] = 0 print('frequency resolution : %.3f Hz' % (f_list[1]-f_list[0])) # Convert 1/Tp in normalized radians: omega_p_Bret = 1/Tp/fs*2*np.pi # Manual correction omega_p_Bret *= 1.00 print omega_p_Bret c2_Bret = -0.971 c1_Bret = -4*c2_Bret * np.cos(omega_p_Bret) / (1-c2_Bret) print(c1_Bret) # Plot fig = plt.figure('Wave spectrum', figsize=(10,5)) fig.add_subplot(111, title='Bretschneider Spectral density (Hs= %.1f, Tp=%.1f)' % (Hs, Tp), xlabel='frequency (Hz)' ) plt.plot(f_list, f_Bret * fs/2, 'b-', label='Bretschneider') plt.plot(f_list, spectrum_ar2(c1_Bret,c2_Bret,omega_list), 'r--', label='AR(2) with (%.3f, %.3f)$' % (c1_Bret,c2_Bret)) plt.xlim(0,0.5) plt.legend(loc='upper right') # Going back to the autocorrelation def f2acf(f): '''spectrum to acf, using ifft on a symetrized spectrum TODO : check that it is the right formula !!! ''' N = len(f) # Create the symetric : f_symetric = np.concatenate((f, f[::-1])) acf = np.fft.ifft(f_symetric) # Take the real part acf = np.real(acf) # return only one half return acf[:N] # Time vector t = np.arange(N_omega, dtype=float)/fs fig = plt.figure('Wave acf', figsize=(10,5)) fig.add_subplot(111, title='Theoretical Wave autocorrelation (Hs= %.1f, Tp=%.1f)' % (Hs, Tp), xlabel='time (s)') plt.plot(t, f2acf(spectrum_ar2(c1_Bret,c2_Bret,omega_list) ), 'b-', label='Bretschneider') plt.plot(t, f2acf(f_Bret*5), 'r--', label='AR(2) with (%.3f, %.3f)$' % (c1_Bret,c2_Bret)) plt.xlim(0,50) plt.ylim(-1,1) plt.legend(loc='upper right'); Image(filename='interactive_AR2_response.png') # Numerical computation of the prediction error pred_std = np.sqrt((imp_res**2).cumsum()) # add zero for h=0 pred_std = np.concatenate(([0], pred_std)) h_range = np.arange(len(pred_std)) # Normalization pred_std /= std_AR2(c1,c2) ### Plot the prediction error fig = plt.figure('pred error', figsize=(10,5)) fig.add_subplot(111, title='standard deviation of the prediction error', xlabel='prediction step h', ylabel='normalized std.') plt.plot(h_range, pred_std, '-d') plt.hlines(1, 0, h_range[-1], colors='b', linestyles='dashed') plt.xlim(0,20) plt.ylim(0,1.05); # Compute the prediction H = 30 # Prediction maximum horizon X_pred = np.zeros(H+2) # Initialize the recursion using the last two observations: X_pred[0:2] = X_traj[[-2,-1]] for h in range(2,H+2): X_pred[h] = c1*X_pred[h-1] + c2*X_pred[h-2] # trash the first elements (that is : keep only the last observation) X_pred = X_pred[1:] ### Plot the prediction ### fig = plt.figure('AR prediction', figsize=(12,7)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111, title='Stochastic trajectory : Prediction of %d instants' % H, xlabel='prediction horizon h = k-N') plt.plot(np.arange(N)-N+1, X_traj, 'b-o', label='observations') plt.plot(np.arange(H+1), X_pred, 'b-o', label='predictions', mfc='#BBBBFF') # Add some confidence intervals level1 = 0.95 # 95 % confidence level color1 = '#FFFF88' a1 = stats.norm.interval(level1)[1] # = 1.96 plt.fill_between(np.arange(H+1), X_pred-a1*pred_std[:H+1], X_pred + a1*pred_std[:H+1], color=color1, lw=0) level2 = 0.70 # a tighter interval color2 = '#FFDD66' a2 = stats.norm.interval(level2)[1] plt.fill_between(np.arange(H+1), X_pred-a2*pred_std[:H+1], X_pred + a2*pred_std[:H+1], color=color2, lw=0) # Legend conf_rect1 = matplotlib.patches.Rectangle((0, 0), 1, 1, fc=color1) conf_rect2 = matplotlib.patches.Rectangle((0, 0), 1, 1, fc=color2) handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() ax.legend(handles + [conf_rect1, conf_rect2], labels + ["%.0f %% conf. interval" % (level1*100), "%.0f %% conf. interval" % (level2*100)], loc='upper left') plt.xlim(-30,H) plt.ylim(-3.5,3.5) plt.grid(True) N_scenar = 100 # Number of sceniaros to generate X_scenar_list = [] for i in range(N_scenar): noise_scenar = np.concatenate((noise, np.random.randn(H))) X_scenar = lfilter(b=[1], a=[1,-c1, -c2], x = noise_scenar)[-H-1:] X_scenar /= std_AR2(c1,c2) X_scenar_list.append(X_scenar) ### Plot the scenarios ### fig = plt.figure('AR scenarios', figsize=(12,7)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111, title='Stochastic trajectories : %d scenarios along %d instants ' % (N_scenar, H), xlabel='prediction horizon h = k-N') plt.plot(np.arange(N)-N+1, X_traj, 'b-o', label='observations') # 95 % confidence interval plt.fill_between(np.arange(H+1), X_pred-a1*pred_std[:H+1], X_pred + a1*pred_std[:H+1], color='#FFFFAA') for i,X_scenar in enumerate(X_scenar_list): if i==0: zorder=2 lineformat='^-' alpha=1 else: zorder=1 lineformat = '-' alpha=0.3 plt.plot(np.arange(H+1), X_scenar, lineformat, label='scenario %d/%d' % (i+1,N_scenar), color=(0,i/N_scenar,1), alpha=alpha, zorder = zorder) # Legend conf_rect1 = matplotlib.patches.Rectangle((0, 0), 1, 1, fc='#FFFFAA', lw=1) handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() plt.legend(handles[0:3]+[conf_rect1], labels[0:3] + ['%.0f %% conf. interval' % (level1*100)], loc='upper left') plt.xlim(-30,H) plt.ylim(-3.5,3.5) plt.grid(True)