%matplotlib inline import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt p =np.random.standard_normal((50,2)) p += np.array((-1,1)) # center the distribution at (-1,1) q =np.random.standard_normal((50,2)) q += np.array((1,1)) #center the distribution at (-1,1) plt.scatter(p[:,0], p[:,1], color ='.25') plt.scatter(q[:,0], q[:,1], color = '.75') dd =np.random.standard_normal((50,2)) plt.scatter(dd[:,0], dd[:,1], color ='1.0', edgecolor ='0.0') # edge color controls the color of the edge vals = np.random.random_integers(99, size =50) color_set = ['.00', '.25', '.50','.75'] color_lists = [color_set[(len(color_set)* val) // 100] for val in vals] c = plt.bar(np.arange(50), vals, color = color_lists) hi =np.random.random_integers(8, size =10) color_set =['.00', '.25', '.50', '.75'] plt.pie(hi, colors = color_set)# colors attribute accepts a range of values plt.show() #If there are less colors than values, then pyplot.pie() will simply cycle through the color list. In the preceding #example, we gave a list of four colors to color a pie chart that consisted of eight values. Thus, each color will be used twice values = np.random.randn(100) w = plt.boxplot(values) for att, lines in w.iteritems(): for l in lines: l.set_color('k') # how to color scatter plots #Colormaps are defined in the matplotib.cm module. This module provides #functions to create and use colormaps. It also provides an exhaustive choice of predefined color maps. import matplotlib.cm as cm N = 256 angle = np.linspace(0, 8 * 2 * np.pi, N) radius = np.linspace(.5, 1., N) X = radius * np.cos(angle) Y = radius * np.sin(angle) plt.scatter(X,Y, c=angle, cmap = cm.hsv) #Color in bar graphs import matplotlib.cm as cm vals = np.random.random_integers(99, size =50) cmap = cm.ScalarMappable(col.Normalize(0,99), cm.binary) plt.bar(np.arange(len(vals)),vals, color =cmap.to_rgba(vals)) # I am creating 3 levels of gray plots, with different line shades def pq(I, mu, sigma): a = 1. / (sigma * np.sqrt(2. * np.pi)) b = -1. / (2. * sigma ** 2) return a * np.exp(b * (I - mu) ** 2) I =np.linspace(-6,6, 1024) plt.plot(I, pq(I, 0., 1.), color = 'k', linestyle ='solid') plt.plot(I, pq(I, 0., .5), color = 'k', linestyle ='dashed') plt.plot(I, pq(I, 0., .25), color = 'k', linestyle ='dashdot') N = 15 A = np.random.random(N) B= np.random.random(N) X = np.arange(N) plt.bar(X, A, color ='.75') plt.bar(X, A+B , bottom = A, color ='W', linestyle ='dashed') # plot a bar graph plt.show() def gf(X, mu, sigma): a = 1. / (sigma * np.sqrt(2. * np.pi)) b = -1. / (2. * sigma ** 2) return a * np.exp(b * (X - mu) ** 2) X = np.linspace(-6, 6, 1024) for i in range(64): samples = np.random.standard_normal(50) mu,sigma = np.mean(samples), np.std(samples) plt.plot(X, gf(X, mu, sigma), color = '.75', linewidth = .5) plt.plot(X, gf(X, 0., 1.), color ='.00', linewidth = 3.) N = 15 A = np.random.random(N) B= np.random.random(N) X = np.arange(N) plt.bar(X, A, color ='w', hatch ='x') plt.bar(X, A+B,bottom =A, color ='r', hatch ='/') # some other hatch attributes are : #/ #\ #| #- #+ #x #o #O #. #* cd C:\Users\tk\Desktop\Matplot X= np.linspace(-6,6,1024) Ya =np.sinc(X) Yb = np.sinc(X) +1 plt.plot(X, Ya, marker ='o', color ='.75') plt.plot(X, Yb, marker ='^', color='.00', markevery= 32)# this one marks every 32 nd element # Marker Size A = np.random.standard_normal((50,2)) A += np.array((-1,1)) B = np.random.standard_normal((50,2)) B += np.array((1, 1)) plt.scatter(A[:,0], A[:,1], color ='k', s =25.0) plt.scatter(B[:,0], B[:,1], color ='g', s = 100.0) # size of the marker is specified using 's' attribute # more about markers X =np.linspace(-6,6, 1024) Y =np.sinc(X) plt.plot(X,Y, color ='r', marker ='o', markersize =9, markevery = 30, markerfacecolor='w', linewidth = 3.0, markeredgecolor = 'b') import matplotlib as mpl mpl.rc('lines', linewidth =3) mpl.rc('xtick', color ='w') # color of x axis numbers mpl.rc('ytick', color = 'w') # color of y axis numbers mpl.rc('axes', facecolor ='g', edgecolor ='y') # color of axes mpl.rc('figure', facecolor ='.00',edgecolor ='w') # color of figure mpl.rc('axes', color_cycle = ('y','r')) # color of plots x = np.linspace(0, 7, 1024) plt.plot(x, np.sin(x)) plt.plot(x, np.cos(x))