fig, ax = plt.subplots() p1 = ax.scatter([0.1],[0.5],c='r',marker='s') p2 = ax.scatter([0.3],[0.2],c='b',marker='o') l = ax.legend([(p1,p2)],['points'],scatterpoints=2) def get_handle_lists(l): """returns a list of lists of handles. """ tree = l._legend_box.get_children()[1] for column in tree.get_children(): for row in column.get_children(): yield row.get_children()[0].get_children() handles_list = list(get_handle_lists(l)) handles = handles_list[0] # handles is a list of two PathCollection. # The first one is for red squares, and the second # is for blue circles. handles[0].set_facecolors(["r", "none"]) # for the fist # PathCollection, make the # second marker invisible by # setting their facecolor and # edgecolor to "none." handles[0].set_edgecolors(["k", "none"]) handles[1].set_facecolors(["none", "b"]) handles[1].set_edgecolors(["none", "k"]) fig