import statsmodels.api as sm import pandas as pd data_loader = sm.datasets.sunspots.load_pandas() df = df df.head() df.tail() fractional_nums = df['SUNACTIVITY'].apply(lambda x: x % 1) #Take the modulo of each value with 1 to get the fractional part fractional_nums[fractional_nums > 0].head() print df['SUNACTIVITY'].describe() df.plot(x='YEAR', y='SUNACTIVITY', xlim=(1700,2008))['SUNACTIVITY']) import numpy as np N2 = df.shape[0] / 2 freqs = np.linspace(0, 0.5, num=N2, endpoint=False)[1:] #Nyquist range import scipy as sp periodogram = sp.signal.lombscargle(df['YEAR'], df['SUNACTIVITY'], freqs * 2 * np.pi) plt.plot(freqs, periodogram, color='green') freq_index_at_max_power = np.argmax(periodogram) print 'Frequency and corresponding time in years at max power: %.2f, %.1f' % (freqs[freq_index_at_max_power], 1 / freqs[freq_index_at_max_power]) v_data = df['SUNACTIVITY'].max() - df['SUNACTIVITY'].min() h_data = df['YEAR'].max() - df['YEAR'].min() v_data_diffs = df['SUNACTIVITY'].diff().apply(np.abs) vbar_data_diffs = v_data_diffs / v_data h_data_diffs = df['YEAR'].diff().apply(np.abs) hbar_data_diffs = h_data_diffs / h_data def objective_fcn(width_height, target): dev = setup_device_coords(figsize=width_height) lengths = segment_lengths(dev['aspect ratio'], dev['horizontal_device']) weighted_avg_banking = np.sum(segment_orientations(dev['aspect ratio']) * lengths) / np.sum(lengths) return np.abs(weighted_avg_banking - target) def setup_device_coords(figsize=(8,6)): h_device, v_device = figsize fig, ax = plot_sunspots(figsize) device_coords = [ax.transData.transform(data_coords) for data_coords in df.values] df_device = pd.DataFrame(device_coords, columns=['YEAR', 'SUNACTIVITY']) v_device = df_device['SUNACTIVITY'].max() - df_device['SUNACTIVITY'].min() h_device = df_device['YEAR'].max() - df_device['YEAR'].min() aspect_ratio = v_device / h_device v_conversion = v_device / v_data h_conversion = h_device / h_data fig.clear() return {'aspect ratio': aspect_ratio, 'vertical_device': v_device, 'horizontal_device': h_device, 'vertical conversion': v_conversion, 'horizontal conversion': h_conversion} def plot_sunspots(figsize, color='blue'): fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) fig.canvas.set_window_title('%.1f by %.1f inch window' % (figsize[0], figsize[1])) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111) df.plot(x='YEAR', y='SUNACTIVITY', ax=ax1, linewidth=2, color=color) fig.tight_layout() ax1.set_xlim(right=df['YEAR'].max()) ax1.set_ylim(top=df['SUNACTIVITY'].max()) ax1.set_ylabel('Observed Sunspots') ax1.set_title('Sunspot Activity Over Time') return (fig, ax1) def segment_lengths(aspect_ratio, h_device): return h_device * np.sqrt(hbar_data_diffs.dropna()**2 + aspect_ratio**2 * vbar_data_diffs.dropna()**2) def segment_orientations(aspect_ratio): return np.arctan(aspect_ratio * vbar_data_diffs / hbar_data_diffs) import scipy.optimize as spo target = np.radians(45) slice_obj = np.s_[20:26:0.5, # widths 1:4:0.5] # heights results = spo.brute(objective_fcn, slice_obj, args=[target], full_output=True, finish=None) optimal_dims, objective_val, search_grid, objective_grid = results plt.close('all') ax1 = plot_sunspots((8,6)) print '\n\nWeighted-average banking using default 8 x 6 inch plot window: 87.3 degrees (goal is 45 degrees)' ax2 = plot_sunspots(optimal_dims, color='red') print '\n\nOptimal width and height found to be %.1f by %.1f inches' % (optimal_dims[0], optimal_dims[1]) banking = [np.degrees(target - objective_val), np.degrees(target + objective_val)] print 'Average banking interval at optimized aspect ratio: (%.2f, %.2f)' % (banking[0], banking[1])