from __future__ import division import numpy as np from scipy import ndimage as nd import pymorph import mahotas import mahotas.polygon import pylab import os # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Thu Apr 7 15:19:19 2011 @author: Jean-Patrick Pommier """ def HighPass(im,size): blur=nd.gaussian_filter(im, size) hi=pymorph.subm(im,blur) return hi def PeakByModalValue(array): '''look for the modal value of a 2D array''' x=array[0,:] y=array[1,:] print "y.shape",y.shape[0] print "y[0]",y[0] print "y[y.shape[0]-1]",y[y.shape[0]-1] print "Searching modal value" xmin=x.min()#image min graylevel xmax=x.max()#image max gray level mode=xmin countmax=0#occurence of a given grayscale #print "mig=",xmin," mag=",xmax for i in range(0,y.shape[0]-1): test=y[i]>countmax #print "test:",test,"histo(",i,")=", y[i],"max",countmax if test: countmax=y[i] mode=x[i] #print "mode",mode return mode class particle(object): rotatedIm=np.array([[0,0],[0,0]]) rotatedFlag=False #ratio of particle area by convexhull area #close to 1 for a convex particle #lower for other as touching chromosomes CvxhParticleArea_ratio=0 def __init__(self,arrayIm): ''' Initially the rotated image is empty and the flag indicates that no rotation is performed ''' self.particuleImage=arrayIm self.rotatedIm=np.array([[0,0],[0,0]]) self.compassTable=np.array([[0,0],[0,0]]) self.compassTablePeaks=np.array([[0,0],[0,0]]) def cvxhull_area(self): ''' Calculate the convexhull area such that: A=0.5*Sumfrom 0 to N-1 of {xn+1*yn-xn*yn+1} Pn(xn,yn) and PN=P0 see ''' #print "cvxhull called" binIm=self.particuleImage>0 area=np.sum(binIm[:,:]==True) print "area",area #print binIm.dtype contour=mahotas.bwperim(binIm) #print "contour",contour.dtype pointlist=mahotas.polygon.convexhull(contour) N=len(pointlist) fP=pointlist[0] #duplicate the first point P0 #at the end such that PointN=Point0 pointlist.append(fP) s=0 #compute the sum from 0 to N-1 for i in range(0,N-1): cx=pointlist[i][0]#x of the current point cy=pointlist[i][1]#y of the current point #print "Point",i," x=",cx," y=",cy nx=pointlist[i+1][0]#x of the next point ny=pointlist[i+1][1]#y of the next point #print "Point suiv",i+1," x=",nx," y=",ny det=nx*cy-cx*ny s=s+det #print "det:",det," S=",s CvxhParticleArea_ratio=area/(0.5*abs(s)) return 0.5*abs(s),CvxhParticleArea_ratio def getVerticalImage(self): return self.rotatedIm def getcompassTableDerivative(self): return self.compassTablePeaks def orientationByErosion(self,step): ''' Performs successive rotations of a binary particle from 0 to 180 by "step" Then at each angle performs: *successives erosions *pixel counts Find relationship between angle and the minimal erosion to destroy the particle An anisotropic particle such a long chromosome should have a principal orientation, overlapping chromosomes should have at least two orientation. ''' def compassTableDerivative(table): deriv=np.zeros(table.shape) x=table[0,:] y=table[1,:] for i in range(1,y.shape[0]-1): deriv[1,i]=(y[i+1]-y[i])/((x[i+1]-x[i])) deriv[0,i]=x[i] print "delta y",y[i+1]-y[i] print "delta x",x[i+1]-x[i] print "der",deriv[1,i] self.compassTablePeaks=np.copy(deriv) return self.compassTablePeaks def erodeVParticle(im): '''Counts the number of vertical erosion neccessary to destroy a particule vline is a 3X1 structuring element DestroyParticle returns the scalar number:nb_erosion necessary to erode totally a binary particle''' def countTruePix(bim): '''bim must be a flat binary (True,False) array counts the occurence of True (pixel) in a binary array/image ''' return np.sum(bim[:,:]==True) vline=np.array([[0,1,0], [0,1,0], [0,1,0]]) #threshold the image binaryIm=(im>0) pixcount=countTruePix(binaryIm) nb_erosion=1 while pixcount>0: erodedIm=nd.binary_erosion(binaryIm,structure=vline,iterations=nb_erosion) nb_erosion=nb_erosion+1 pixcount=countTruePix(erodedIm) #erodedParticle work should be done here return nb_erosion # #Analysis of the particle orientation starts here # maxRotationNubr=180/step #rotation angle from 0 to 180 by step of 5° compassTable=np.zeros((2,maxRotationNubr+1),dtype=np.uint8) #Store #print compassTable.shape i=0 angle=i*step rotatedIm=self.particuleImage #print self.particuleImage.shape while i<=maxRotationNubr: maxErosion=erodeVParticle(rotatedIm) compassTable[0,i]=angle compassTable[1,i]=maxErosion #print "i=",i," angle=",angle," -erosion max:",maxErosion rotatedIm=nd.rotate(self.particuleImage,angle) i=i+1 angle=i*step majorAngle=PeakByModalValue(compassTable) self.rotatedIm=nd.rotate(self.particuleImage,majorAngle) self.rotatedFlag=True return majorAngle,compassTable,self.rotatedIm import urllib image_name = "part14.png" web = urllib.URLopener() web.retrieve(url, image_name) image = mahotas.imread(image_name) imshow(image[:,:,0]) im=image[:,:,0] hip=pymorph.subm(im,nd.gaussian_filter(im,3)) #print im.dtype#print uint16 p1=particle(im) #print "particle 1",p1.cvxhull_area() p2=particle(hip) #print "particle 1 hi pass",p2.cvxhull_area() theta1,rosedesvents,VImage=p1.orientationByErosion(10) theta2,rdv,VHip=p2.orientationByErosion(10) x=rosedesvents[0,:] y=rosedesvents[1,:] xh=rdv[0,:] yh=rdv[1,:] pylab.subplot(321,frameon=False, xticks=[], yticks=[]) pylab.gray() pylab.imshow(im) pylab.subplot(322,frameon=False, xticks=[], yticks=[]) pylab.imshow(hip) pylab.subplot(323) pylab.title("Resistance to vertical erosion") pylab.ylabel("nb erosion") pylab.xlabel("rotation angle") pylab.plot(x,y,xh,yh) pylab.subplot(324,frameon=False, xticks=[], yticks=[]) pylab.imshow(VImage) pylab.subplot(326,frameon=False, xticks=[], yticks=[]) pylab.imshow(VHip) subplot(121, polar=False) bar(x, y, width=0.1, bottom=0.0) subplot(122, polar=False) imshow(im) show() vert = p1.getVerticalImage() imshow(vert) show()