import plotly import math import numpy as np un='jackp' k='11m2qbzob9' plotly.plotly('IPython.Demo', '1fw3zw2o13') py = plotly.plotly(username=un, key=k) # RGB color scale from GnBu = [(247, 252, 240),(224, 243, 219),(204, 235, 197),\ (168, 221, 181),(123, 204, 196),(78, 179, 211),\ (43, 140, 190),(8, 104, 172),(8, 64, 129)] def rgbToHsl(rgb): ''' Adapted from M Bostock's RGB to HSL converter in d3.js ''' r,g,b = float(rgb[0])/255.0,\ float(rgb[1])/255.0,\ float(rgb[2])/255.0 mx = max(r, g, b) mn = min(r, g, b) h = s = l = (mx + mn) / 2 if mx == mn: # achromatic h = 0 s = 0 if l > 0 and l < 1 else h else: d = mx - mn; s = d / (mx + mn) if l < 0.5 else d / (2 - mx - mn) if mx == r: h = (g - b) / d + ( 6 if g < b else 0 ) elif mx == g: h = (b - r) / d + 2 else: h = r - g / d + 4 return (round(h*60,4), round(s*100,4), round(l*100,4)) def interp3(fraction, start, end): ''' Interpolate between values of 2, 3-member tuples ''' def intp(f, s, e): return s + (e - s)*f return tuple([intp(fraction, start[i], end[i]) for i in range(3)]) def colorscale(scl, r): ''' Interpolate a hsl colorscale from "scl" with length "r" ''' c = [] SCL_FI = len(scl)-1 # final index of color scale for i in r: c_i = int(i*math.floor(SCL_FI)/round(r[-1])) # start color index hsl_o = rgbToHsl( scl[c_i] ) # convert rgb to hls hsl_f = rgbToHsl( scl[c_i+1] ) section_min = c_i*r[-1]/SCL_FI section_max = (c_i+1)*(r[-1]/SCL_FI) fraction = (i-section_min)/(section_max-section_min) hsl = interp3( fraction, hsl_o, hsl_f ) c.append( 'hsl'+str(hsl) ) return c r = np.arange(0,20,0.1) x = [2*np.cos(i)*i+(i*0.2*np.random.rand()) for i in r] y = [2*np.sin(i)*i+(i*0.2*np.random.rand()) for i in r] s = [(i+5)*i/5 for i in r] # diameter of bubble size in pixels t = [('Area: '+str(round(3.14*math.pow(d/2,2),2))+' (sq. pixels)
\ Radius: '+str(round(d/2,2))+' pixels') for d in s] # Show hover text as bubble area c = colorscale(GnBu, r) # set hovermode to 'closest' to turn off showing all points near the same x on hover layout = { 'hovermode':'closest','title':'click-drag to zoom-in
double-click to zoom-out',\ 'xaxis':{'showticklabels':False,'ticks':'','linecolor':'white','showgrid':False,'zeroline':False},\ 'yaxis':{'showticklabels':False,'ticks':'','linecolor':'white','showgrid':False,'zeroline':False} } data = [ {'x':x,'y':y,'mode':'markers','opacity':0.7,'text':t,\ 'marker':{'size':s,'color':c,'line':{'width':2}}} ] py.iplot(data, layout=layout) # color scales from BuGn = [(247,252,253), (229,245,249), (204,236,230),\ (153,216,201), (102,194,164), (65,174,118),\ (35,139,69), (0,109,44), (0,68,27)] BuPu = [(247,252,253), (224,236,244), (191,211,230),\ (158,188,218), (140,150,198), (140,107,177),\ (136,65,157), (129,15,124), (77,0,75)] GnBu = [(247, 252, 240),(224, 243, 219),(204, 235, 197),\ (168, 221, 181),(123, 204, 196),(78, 179, 211),\ (43, 140, 190),(8, 104, 172),(8, 64, 129)] PuBu = [(255,247,251), (236,231,242), (208,209,230),\ (166,189,219), (116,169,207), (54,144,192),\ (5,112,176), (4,90,141), (2,56,88)] PuBuGn = [(255,247,251), (236,226,240), (208,209,230),\ (166,189,219), (103,169,207), (54,144,192),\ (2,129,138), (1,108,89), (1,70,54)] PuRd = [(247,244,249), (231,225,239), (212,185,218),\ (201,148,199), (223,101,176), (231,41,138),\ (206,18,86), (152,0,67), (103,0,31)] RdPu = [(255,247,243), (253,224,221), (252,197,192),\ (250,159,181), (247,104,161), (221,52,151),\ (174,1,126), (122,1,119), (73,0,106)] YlGn = [(255,255,229), (247,252,185), (217,240,163),\ (173,221,142), (120,198,121), (65,171,93),\ (35,132,67), (0,104,55), (0,69,41)] YlGnBu = [(255,255,217), (237,248,177), (199,233,180),\ (127,205,187), (65,182,196), (29,145,192),\ (34,94,168), (37,52,148), (8,29,88)] data = [] layout = {'showlegend':False,'hovermode':'closest',\ 'title':'drag your mouse along the left and bottom border to pan
\ or hold down shift and drag inside. double-click to re-center'} padding = 0.0 domains = [[i*(1-3*padding)/3, ((i+1)*(1-3*padding)/3)] for i in range(3)] cscl = [[BuGn,BuPu,GnBu],[PuBu,PuBuGn,PuRd],[RdPu,YlGn,YlGnBu]] # colorscale s = [(i+5)*i/10 for i in r] # diameter of bubble size in pixels for j in range(3): for k in range(3): c = colorscale(cscl[j][k], r) data.append({'name': cscl[j][k]+' Spiral '+str(j)+str(k), 'x': [2*np.cos(i*(k/4+1))*i+(i*0.2*np.random.rand()) for i in r], 'y': [2*np.sin(i)*i+(i*0.2*np.random.rand()) for i in r], 'type':'scatter','mode':'markers','width': 950,'height': 950,'opacity': 0.7, 'marker': {'color':c, 'size':s, 'opacity':0.9, 'line':{'width':2}}, 'xaxis': 'x' + str(j) if j!=0 else '', 'yaxis': 'y' + str(k) if k!=0 else '' }) xy_i = str(j) if j!=0 else '' layout['xaxis'+xy_i] = layout['yaxis'+xy_i] = \ {'domain':domains[j],'showticklabels':False,'ticks':'',\ 'linecolor':'#E3E3E3','linewidth':8,'showgrid':False,'zeroline':False } py.iplot(data, layout=layout, width=1000, height=1000) # iframe size import pandas as pd pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 15) pd.set_option('display.line_width', 400) pd.set_option('display.mpl_style', 'default') crime_data = pd.read_csv('crimeRatesByState2005.tsv',sep='\t') crime_data[:2] data = [] for i in range(len(crime_data['state'])): # Create 1 data object per point, so every point is a different color mx = float(crime_data['population'].max()) s = [ math.sqrt(float(crime_data['population'][i])/mx)*60.0 ] t = [ 'State: %s
Population: %s' % (crime_data['state'][i], crime_data['population'][i]) ] d = {'x':[crime_data['murder'][i]],\ 'y':[crime_data['burglary'][i]],\ 'marker': {'size':s, 'opacity':0.9, 'line':{'width':1}},\ 'type':'scatter','mode':'markers','text':t} data.append(d) citation = {'showarrow':False, 'font':{'size':10},'xref':'paper','yref':'paper','x':-0.18,'y':-0.18,'align':'left',\ 'text':'Data source and inspiration:'} layout = {'showlegend':False,'hovermode':'closest', 'title':'','annotations':[citation],\ 'title':'US Crime Rate by State
Bubble Size is State Population',\ 'xaxis':{ 'ticks':'','linecolor':'white','showgrid':False,'zeroline':False, 'title': 'Number of Murders', 'nticks':12 }, 'yaxis':{ 'ticks':'','linecolor':'white','showgrid':False,'zeroline':False, 'title': 'Number of Burglaries', 'nticks':12 }} py.iplot(data, layout=layout) gdp_data = pd.read_csv('gapMinderDataFiveYear.txt',sep='\t') gdp_data[20:30] data = [] years = (1987,2007,1952,1967) # ordering of years is funny for placement in subplot quadrants sp = [('x','y'), ('x2','y'), ('x','y2'), ('x2','y2')] # color scale from d3's 'category10' colorscale cmap = {'Asia':'#1f77b4','Europe':'#ff7f0e','Africa':'#2ca02c',\ 'Americas':'#d62728','Oceania':'#9467bd'} for i in range(len(years)): # grab all rows of this year, turn off Kuwait - its gdp per cap is extremely high df = gdp_data[(gdp_data['year']==years[i]) & (gdp_data['country']!='Kuwait')] for name, g in df.groupby('continent'): mx = g['pop'].max() s = [ math.sqrt(j/mx)*60.0 for j in g['pop'] ] t = g.apply(lambda x:'Country: %s
Life Expectancy: %s
GDP per capita: %s
Population: %s
Year: %s' \ % (x['country'], x['lifeExp'],x['gdpPercap'], x['pop'], str(years[i])),axis=1) d = {'name':name,'x':g['gdpPercap'],'y':g['lifeExp'],\ 'type':'scatter','mode':'markers','text':t,\ 'marker': {'color':cmap[name],'size':s, 'opacity':0.9, 'line':{'width':1}}} d['xaxis'] = sp[i][0] d['yaxis'] = sp[i][1] data.append(d) layout = { 'showlegend':False, 'width':1000, 'height': 700, 'hovermode':'closest',\ 'title':'drag to zoom-in; double-click to zoom-out
shift-drag to pan' } for ax in ('xaxis','yaxis','xaxis2','yaxis2'): layout[ax] = { 'ticks':'','linecolor':'white','showgrid':False,'zeroline':False } layout[ax]['domain'] = [0.5,1] if '2' in ax else [0,0.5] layout[ax]['title'] = 'gdp per capita (usd, 2000)' if 'x' in ax else 'life expectancy (years)' layout['annotations'] = [] # annotation positions correspond to order of 'years' tuple: 1987,2007,1952,1967 anno_positions = ((0.05,0.4), (0.6,0.4), (0.05,0.95), (0.6,0.95)) for yr in range(len(years)): anno_obj = { 'xref': 'paper', 'yref': 'paper', 'showarrow': False,\ 'font': {'family':'','size': 36,'color':'rgb(23, 190, 207)'} } anno_obj['x'] = anno_positions[yr][0] anno_obj['y'] = anno_positions[yr][1] anno_obj['text'] = str(years[yr]) layout['annotations'].append( anno_obj ) py.iplot(data,layout=layout,width=1050,height=750) service = {'name': 'Service, sales, and office', 'x': [359, 363, 381, 403, 413, 429, 437, 439, 448, 473, 501, 502, 505, 509, 523, 532, 547, 556, 574, 575, 584, 585, 594,\ 618, 629, 635, 647, 662, 683, 689, 744, 800, 807, 887, 896, 905, 931, 958, 973, 1024, 1239], 'y': [333, 351, 341, 348, 363, 385, 379, 357, 442, 389, 483, 418, 522, 503, 468, 486, 406, 568, 521, 489, 550, 426, 525,\ 519, 513, 414, 555, 608, 579, 602, 541, 678, 855, 660, 684, 796, 806, 645, 787, 705, 1030], 'text': ['Food preparation workers
Women make 8% less than men', 'Dining room attendants and bartender helpers
Women make 6% less than men', 'Cooks
Women make 9% less than men', 'Cashiers
Women make 15% less than men', 'Waiters and waitresses
Women make 13% less than men', 'Telemarketers
Women make 7% less than men', 'Personal home and care aides
Women make 14% less than men', 'Maids and housekeeping cleaners
Women make 18% less than men', 'Stock clerks
Women make 1% less than men', 'Janitors and building cleaners
Women make 18% less than men', 'Receptionists
Women make 4% less than men', 'Nursing, psychiatric, and home health aides
Women make 16% less than men', 'Data entry keyers
Women make 1% more than men', 'Shipping and receiving clerks
Women make 2% less than men', 'Security guards
Women make 11% less than men', 'Chefs and head cooks
Women make 9% less than men', 'Bartenders
Women make 26% less than men', 'Ticket agents and travel clerks
Women make 9% less than men', 'File clerks
Women make 9% less than men', 'Medical assistants
Women make 15% less than men', 'Office clerks
Women make 5% less than men', 'Supervisors of food preparation workers
Women make 27% less than men', 'Bill and account collectors
Women make 11% less than men', 'Customer service representatives
Women make 14% less than men', 'Recreation and fitness workers
Women make 18% less than men', 'Retail sales workers
Women make 35% less than men', 'Dispatchers
Women make 15% less than men', 'Bookkeeping, accounting, and auditing clerks
Women make 9% less than men', 'Bailers, correctional officers, and jailers
Women make 15% less than men', 'Secretaries and administrative assistants
Women make 13% less than men', 'Supervisors of retail workers
Women make 27% less than men', 'Supervisors of office and administrative support
Women make 15% less than men', 'Postal service clerks
Women make 4% more than men', 'Production clerks
Women make 25% less than men', 'Advertising sales agents
Women make 24% less than men', 'Police officers
Women make 13% less than men', 'Postal service mail carriers
Women make 13% less than men', 'Insurance sales agents
Women make 32% less than men', 'Sales representatives
Women make 19% less than men', 'Real estate brokers
Women make 31% less than men', 'Financial services sales agents
Women make 17% less than men'], 'type':'scatter', 'mode':'markers', 'marker':{'size':9,'color':'#CA4D64'}} production = {'name': 'Production and transportation', 'x': [482, 495, 499, 541, 543, 564, 590, 668, 732, 858], 'y': [419, 342, 403, 448, 474, 411, 484, 504, 514, 619], 'text': ['Laborers and freight movers
Women make 13% less than men', 'Laundry workers
Women make 31% less than men', 'Bakers
Women make 18% less than men', 'Electronics assemblers
Women make 17% less than men', 'Bus drivers
Women make 11% less than men', 'Butchers and other meat processing workers
Women make 27% less than men', 'Metal workers and plastic workers
Women make 18% less than men', 'Truck drivers
Women make 25% less than men', 'Inspectors and testers
Women make 31% less than men', 'Supervisors of production workers
Women make 28% less than men'], 'type':'scatter', 'mode':'markers', 'marker':{'size':9,'color':'#88A4B8'}} science = {'name': 'Science, computers, and health care', 'x': [683, 904, 1050, 1050, 1098, 1159, 1239, 1245, 1266, 1351, 1367, 1508, 1793, 1883], 'y': [540, 766, 848, 805, 983, 1039, 1045, 1099, 1078, 985, 861, 1323, 1065, 1609], 'text': ['Health diagnosing and treatment technicians
Women make 21% less than men', 'Computer support specialists
Women make 15% less than men', 'Diagnostic related technicians
Women make 19% less than men', 'Clinical laboratory technicians
Women make 23% less than men', 'Registered nurses
Women make 11% less than men', 'Market and survey researchers
Women make 10% less than men', 'Computer scientists and system analysts
Women make 16% less than men', 'Physical therapists
Women make 12% less than men', 'Computer programmers
Women make 15% less than men', 'Chemists and material scientists
Women make 27% less than men', 'Medical scientists
Women make 37% less than men', 'Computer software engineers
Women make 12% less than men', 'Physicians and surgeons
Women make 40% less than men', 'Pharmacists
Women make 15% less than men'], 'type':'scatter', 'mode':'markers', 'marker':{'size':9,'color':'#8D9F69'}} management = {'name': 'Management, business, and financial', 'x': [730, 790, 964, 991, 1038, 1064, 1123, 1129, 1183, 1328, 1364, 1376, 1384, 1409, 1450, 1511, 1507, 1597, 1917], 'y': [586, 741, 731, 747, 814, 920, 749, 849, 863, 993, 967, 1051, 1088, 1072, 915, 1033, 1077, 1370, 1540], 'text': ['Food service managers
Women make 20% less than men', 'Whole and retail buyers
Women make 15% less than men', 'Property managers
Women make 24% less than men', 'Claims adjusters
Women make 24% less than men', 'Human resources specialists
Women make 21% less than men', 'Social and community service managers
Women make 14% less than men', 'Compliance officers
Women make 33% less than men', 'Loan officers
Women make 25% less than men', 'Accountants and auditors
Women make 27% less than men', 'General and operations managers
Women make 25% less than men', 'Education administrators
Women make 29% less than men', 'Personal financial advisors
Women make 23% less than men', 'Management analysts
Women make 21% less than men', 'Medical and health services managers
Women make 24% less than men', 'Financial managers
Women make 37% less than men', 'Marketing and sales managers
Women make 31% less than men', 'Human resources managers
Women make 32% less than men', 'Computer and information systems managers
Women make 14% less than men', 'Chief executives
Women make 19% less than men'], 'type':'scatter', 'mode':'markers', 'marker':{'size':9,'color':'#005082'}} entertainment = {'name': 'Entertainment, education, and law', 'x': [762, 828, 860, 890, 938, 957, 979, 1000, 1236, 1779], 'y': [755, 723, 887, 702, 848, 781, 809, 904, 971, 1388], 'text': ['Social workers
Women make 1% less than men', 'Counselors
Women make 13% less than men', 'Special education teachers
Women make 3% more than men', 'Designers
Women make 22% less than men', 'Elementary and middle school teachers
Women make 9% less than men', 'Engineering technicians, except drafters
Women make 18% less than men', 'Editors
Women make 17% less than men', 'High school teachers
Women make 10% less than men', 'Professors and postsecondary teachers
Women make 22% less than men', 'Lawyers
Women make 22% less than men'], 'type':'scatter', 'mode':'markers', 'marker':{'size':9,'color':'#D28628'}} blank = {'name': '', 'x': [0, 0], 'y': [0, 0], 'line':{'color':'#F0F0F0','width':3},'mode':'lines'} source = {'name': ' Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics:
Census Bureau ', 'x': [0, 0], 'y': [0, 0],\ 'line':{'color':'#F0F0F0','width':3},'mode':'lines'} equal = {'name': 'Equal Wages', 'x': [0, 1650], 'y': [0, 1650],'line':{'color':'black','width':3},'mode':'lines'} tenpercentless = {'name': 'Women earn 10% less than men','x': [0, 1833.3], 'y': [0, 0.9*1833.3],'line':{'color':'#606060', 'width':2},'mode':'lines'} twentypercentless = {'name': 'Women earn 20% less than men', 'x': [0, 2062.5], 'y': [0, 0.8*2062.5],'line':{'color':'#909090','width':2},'mode':'lines'} thirtypercentless = {'name': 'Women earn 30% less than men', 'x': [0, 2357.143], 'y': [0, 0.7*2357.143],'line':{'color':'#D2D2D2','width':2},'mode':'lines'} layout = {'autosize':False, 'font':{'color':"rgb(33, 33, 33)",'family':"Arial, sans-serif",'size':12}, 'height':650, 'width':1100, 'xaxis':{ 'range':[0,2437], 'type': 'linear', 'ticks': 'none', 'autorange': False, 'zeroline': False, 'mirror': False, 'linecolor':'white', 'tickcolor':'white', 'autotick':False, 'dtick': 250, 'gridwidth': .7 }, 'yaxis':{ 'range':[0,1650], 'type': 'linear', 'ticks': 'none', 'autorange': False, 'zeroline': False, 'mirror': False, 'linecolor':'white', 'tickcolor':'white', 'autotick':False, 'dtick': 250, 'gridwidth': .7 }, 'legend':{ 'bgcolor': "#F0F0F0", 'bordercolor': "#F0F0F0", 'borderwidth': 10, 'x': 0.0845912623961403, 'y': 0.9811399147727271, 'traceorder': 'reversed' }, 'margin':{'b':80,'l':100,'pad':2,'r':250,'t':80}, 'annotations':[{ 'text':"Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics - Census Bureau", 'x':2100, 'y':30, 'showarrow':False, 'ref':'plot', 'align':'left', 'font':{'size':'9'} },{ 'text':"Men's median weekly earnings", 'x':1120, 'y':70, 'showarrow':False, 'ref':'plot', 'align':'left', 'font':{'size':'13'} },{ 'text':"Women's
median weekly
earnings", 'x':40, 'y':870, 'showarrow':False, 'ref':'plot', 'align':'left', 'font':{'size':'13'} },{ 'text':"Roll over
dots for
information", 'x':1870, 'y':630, 'showarrow':False, 'ref':'plot', 'align':'left', 'font':{'size':'14'} }, ] } py.iplot([equal, tenpercentless, twentypercentless, thirtypercentless,\ service, production, science, management, entertainment], layout=layout, width=1150, height=700)