%run talktools.py %%bash cd ~/cur/siam; chmod +rwx -R tmp fake_usb; rm -fr tmp fake_usb; # start with a clean slate mkdir -p tmp cd tmp git init . git annex init "local laptop" %cd ~/cur/siam/tmp %%bash # let' just make a file to see how annex works echo "pretend this is a large file" > original.dus for x in {1..10000}; do echo GATTACA >> original.dus; done ls -lh !git annex add original.dus !ls -lh !git status !git commit -m"original data of unusual size checked in" !git log !git log -p !git annex whereis ./original.dus !git clone ./ ../fake_usb cd ../fake_usb/ !git annex init "pi's external harddrive" ls -al !head original.dus !git annex whereis original.dus !git annex get original.dus ls -al !head original.dus %%bash # this cell will only run on pi's computer cd ~/annex git annex status import numpy as np np.test()