from IPython.display import IFrame, HTML from IPython.core.display import display display(IFrame("", '800px', '600px')) display(IFrame("", '800px', '600px')) import bokeh.plotting as bk bk.output_notebook() import numpy as np x = np.linspace(-6, 6, 100) y = np.random.normal(0.3*x, 1), y, color="red", plot_width=500, plot_height=500) from scipy.stats import expon theta = 1 measured = np.random.exponential(theta, 1000) hist, edges = np.histogram(measured, density=True, bins=50) bk.hold(True) bk.figure(title="Exponential Distribution (θ=1)",tools="previewsave", background_fill="#E8DDCB") bk.quad(top=hist, bottom=0, left=edges[:-1], right=edges[1:], fill_color="#036564", line_color="#033649") x = np.linspace(0, 10, 1000) bk.line(x, expon.pdf(x, scale=1), line_color="#D95B43", line_width=8, alpha=0.7, legend="PDF") bk.line(x, expon.cdf(x, scale=1), line_color="white", line_width=2, alpha=0.7, legend="CDF") bk.legend().orientation = "top_right" bk.hold(False) from bokeh.sampledata.autompg import autompg grouped = autompg.groupby("yr") mpg = grouped["mpg"] mpg_avg = mpg.mean() mpg_std = mpg.std() years = np.asarray(grouped.groups.keys()) american = autompg[autompg["origin"]==1] japanese = autompg[autompg["origin"]==3] american.head(10) bk.hold(True) bk.figure(title='Automobile mileage by year and country') bk.quad(left=years-0.4, right=years+0.4, bottom=mpg_avg-mpg_std, top=mpg_avg+mpg_std, fill_alpha=0.4) # Add Japanese cars as circles["yr"]), y=np.asarray(japanese["mpg"]), size=8, alpha=0.4, line_color="red", fill_color=None, line_width=2) # Add American cars as triangles bk.triangle(x=np.asarray(american["yr"]), y=np.asarray(american["mpg"]), size=8, alpha=0.4, line_color="blue", fill_color=None, line_width=2) xax, yax = bk.axis() xax.axis_label = 'Year' yax.axis_label = 'MPG' bk.hold(False) source = bk.ColumnDataSource(autompg.to_dict("list")) source.add(autompg["yr"], name="yr") plot_config = dict(plot_width=300, plot_height=300, tools="pan, wheel_zoom, box_zoom, select") bk.gridplot([["yr", "mpg", color="blue", title="MPG by Year", source=source, **plot_config),"hp", "displ", color="green", title="HP vs. Displacement", source=source, **plot_config),"mpg", "displ", size="cyl", line_color="red", title="MPG vs. Displacement", fill_color=None, source=source, **plot_config) ]]) import pandas as pd from bokeh.objects import HoverTool from bokeh.sampledata.unemployment1948 import data from collections import OrderedDict data['Year'] = [str(x) for x in data['Year']] years = list(data['Year']) months = ["Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"] data = data.set_index('Year') colors = [ "#75968f", "#a5bab7", "#c9d9d3", "#e2e2e2", "#dfccce", "#ddb7b1", "#cc7878", "#933b41", "#550b1d" ] month = [] year = [] color = [] rate = [] for y in years: for m in months: month.append(m) year.append(y) monthly_rate = data[m][y] rate.append(monthly_rate) color.append(colors[min(int(monthly_rate)-2, 8)]) source = bk.ColumnDataSource( data=dict( month=month, year=year, color=color, rate=rate, ) ) bk.figure() bk.rect('year', 'month', 0.95, 0.95, source=source, x_axis_location="above", x_range=years, y_range=list(reversed(months)), color='color', line_color=None, tools="resize,hover", title="US Unemployment (1948 - 2013)", plot_width=900, plot_height=400) bk.grid().grid_line_color = None bk.axis().axis_line_color = None bk.axis().major_tick_line_color = None bk.axis().major_label_text_font_size = "5pt" bk.axis().major_label_standoff = 0 bk.xaxis().major_label_orientation = np.pi/3 hover = bk.curplot().tools[1] hover.tooltips = OrderedDict([ ('date', '@month @year'), ('rate', '@rate'), ]) from bokeh.sampledata import us_counties, unemployment from collections import OrderedDict county_xs=[[code]['lons'] for code in if[code]['state'] == 'tx' ] county_ys=[[code]['lats'] for code in if[code]['state'] == 'tx' ] colors = ["#F1EEF6", "#D4B9DA", "#C994C7", "#DF65B0", "#DD1C77", "#980043"] county_colors = [] for county_id in if[county_id]['state'] != 'tx': continue try: rate =[county_id] idx = min(int(rate/2), 5) county_colors.append(colors[idx]) except KeyError: county_colors.append("black") bk.patches(county_xs, county_ys, fill_color=county_colors, fill_alpha=0.7, tools="pan,wheel_zoom,box_zoom,reset,hover,previewsave", line_color="white", line_width=0.5, title="Texas Unemployment 2009") hover = bk.curplot().select(dict(type=HoverTool)) hover.tooltips = OrderedDict([ ("index", "$index"), ("(x,y)", "($x, $y)"), ("fill color", "$color[hex, swatch]:fill_color"), ]) normal = np.random.standard_normal(1000) student_t = np.random.standard_t(6, 1000) distributions = pd.DataFrame({'Normal': normal, 'Student-T': student_t}) from bokeh.charts import Histogram hist = Histogram(distributions, bins=np.sqrt(len(normal)), notebook=True) hist.title("Histograms").ylabel("frequency").legend(True).width(600).height(300) from collections import OrderedDict from bokeh.charts import Scatter from bokeh.sampledata.iris import flowers setosa = flowers[(flowers.species == "setosa")][["petal_length", "petal_width"]] versicolor = flowers[(flowers.species == "versicolor")][["petal_length", "petal_width"]] virginica = flowers[(flowers.species == "virginica")][["petal_length", "petal_width"]] xyvalues = OrderedDict([("setosa", setosa.values), ("versicolor", versicolor.values), ("virginica", virginica.values)]) scatter = Scatter(xyvalues) scatter.title("iris dataset, dict_input").xlabel("petal_length").ylabel("petal_width").legend("top_left") scatter.width(600).height(400).notebook().show() titanic = pd.read_csv('') %matplotlib inline from ggplot import ggplot, aes, geom_density from bokeh import mpl import matplotlib.pyplot as plt g = ggplot(titanic, aes(x='age', color='pclass')) + geom_density() g.draw() plt.title("Plot of titanic passenger age distribution by class") mpl.to_bokeh(name="density") import seaborn as sns # We generated random data titanic = titanic.dropna(subset=['age']) # And then just call the violinplot from Seaborn sns.violinplot(titanic.age, groupby=titanic.pclass, color="Set3") plt.title("Distribution of age by passenger class") mpl.to_bokeh(name="violin") from __future__ import division def mandel(x, y, max_iters): """ Given the real and imaginary parts of a complex number, determine if it is a candidate for membership in the Mandelbrot set given a fixed number of iterations. """ c = complex(x, y) z = 0.0j for i in range(max_iters): z = z*z + c if (z.real*z.real + z.imag*z.imag) >= 4: return i return max_iters def create_fractal(min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y, image, iters): height = image.shape[0] width = image.shape[1] pixel_size_x = (max_x - min_x) / width pixel_size_y = (max_y - min_y) / height for x in range(width): real = min_x + x * pixel_size_x for y in range(height): imag = min_y + y * pixel_size_y color = mandel(real, imag, iters) image[y, x] = color min_x = -2.0 max_x = 1.0 min_y = -1.0 max_y = 1.0 img = np.zeros((1024, 1536), dtype = np.uint8) create_fractal(min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y, img, 20) bk.image(image=[img], x=[min_x], y=[min_y], dw=[max_x-min_x], dh=[max_y-min_y], palette=["Spectral-11"], x_range = [min_x, max_x], y_range = [min_y, max_y], title="Mandelbrot", tools="pan,wheel_zoom,box_zoom,reset,previewsave", plot_width=900, plot_height=600 ) from bokeh.objects import Range1d from StringIO import StringIO from math import log, sqrt from collections import OrderedDict antibiotics = """ bacteria, penicillin, streptomycin, neomycin, gram Mycobacterium tuberculosis, 800, 5, 2, negative Salmonella schottmuelleri, 10, 0.8, 0.09, negative Proteus vulgaris, 3, 0.1, 0.1, negative Klebsiella pneumoniae, 850, 1.2, 1, negative Brucella abortus, 1, 2, 0.02, negative Pseudomonas aeruginosa, 850, 2, 0.4, negative Escherichia coli, 100, 0.4, 0.1, negative Salmonella (Eberthella) typhosa, 1, 0.4, 0.008, negative Aerobacter aerogenes, 870, 1, 1.6, negative Brucella antracis, 0.001, 0.01, 0.007, positive Streptococcus fecalis, 1, 1, 0.1, positive Staphylococcus aureus, 0.03, 0.03, 0.001, positive Staphylococcus albus, 0.007, 0.1, 0.001, positive Streptococcus hemolyticus, 0.001, 14, 10, positive Streptococcus viridans, 0.005, 10, 40, positive Diplococcus pneumoniae, 0.005, 11, 10, positive """ drug_color = OrderedDict([ ("Penicillin", "#0d3362"), ("Streptomycin", "#c64737"), ("Neomycin", "black" ), ]) gram_color = { "positive" : "#aeaeb8", "negative" : "#e69584", } df = pd.read_csv(StringIO(antibiotics), skiprows=1, skipinitialspace=True) width = 800 height = 800 inner_radius = 90 outer_radius = 300 - 10 minr = np.sqrt(log(.001 * 1E4)) maxr = np.sqrt(log(1000 * 1E4)) a = (outer_radius - inner_radius) / (minr - maxr) b = inner_radius - a * maxr def rad(mic): return a * np.sqrt(np.log(mic * 1E4)) + b big_angle = 2.0 * np.pi / (len(df) + 1) small_angle = big_angle / 7 bk.figure() bk.hold(True) x = np.zeros(len(df)) y = np.zeros(len(df)) angles = np.pi/2 - big_angle/2 - df.index.values*big_angle colors = [gram_color[gram] for gram in df.gram] bk.annular_wedge( x, y, inner_radius, outer_radius, -big_angle+angles, angles, color=colors, plot_width=width, plot_height=height, title="", tools="", x_axis_type=None, y_axis_type=None ) plot = bk.curplot() plot.x_range = Range1d(start=-420, end=420) plot.y_range = Range1d(start=-420, end=420) plot.min_border = 0 plot.background_fill = "#f0e1d2" plot.border_fill = "#f0e1d2" plot.outline_line_color = None bk.xgrid().grid_line_color = None bk.ygrid().grid_line_color = None bk.annular_wedge( x, y, inner_radius, rad(df.penicillin), -big_angle+angles + 5*small_angle, -big_angle+angles+6*small_angle, color=drug_color['Penicillin'], ) bk.annular_wedge( x, y, inner_radius, rad(df.streptomycin), -big_angle+angles + 3*small_angle, -big_angle+angles+4*small_angle, color=drug_color['Streptomycin'], ) bk.annular_wedge( x, y, inner_radius, rad(df.neomycin), -big_angle+angles + 1*small_angle, -big_angle+angles+2*small_angle, color=drug_color['Neomycin'], ) labels = np.power(10.0, np.arange(-3, 4)) radii = a * np.sqrt(np.log(labels * 1E4)) + b, y, radius=radii, fill_color=None, line_color="white") bk.text(x[:-1], radii[:-1], [str(r) for r in labels[:-1]], angle=0, text_font_size="8pt", text_align="center", text_baseline="middle") bk.annular_wedge( x, y, inner_radius-10, outer_radius+10, -big_angle+angles, -big_angle+angles, color="black", ) xr = radii[0]*np.cos(np.array(-big_angle/2 + angles)) yr = radii[0]*np.sin(np.array(-big_angle/2 + angles)) label_angle = np.array(-big_angle/2+angles) label_angle[label_angle < -np.pi/2] += np.pi # easier to read labels on the left side bk.text(xr, yr, df.bacteria, angle=label_angle, text_font_size="9pt", text_align="center", text_baseline="middle")[-40, -40], [-370, -390], color=gram_color.values(), radius=5) bk.text([-30, -30], [-370, -390], text=["Gram-" + x for x in gram_color.keys()], angle=0, text_font_size="7pt", text_align="left", text_baseline="middle") bk.rect([-40, -40, -40], [18, 0, -18], width=30, height=13, color=drug_color.values()) bk.text([-15, -15, -15], [18, 0, -18], text=drug_color.keys(), angle=0, text_font_size="9pt", text_align="left", text_baseline="middle") bk.hold(False) from bokeh.plotting import square, output_server, show from bokeh.objects import ServerDataSource import bokeh.transforms.ar_downsample as ar output_server("Census") # 2010 US Census tracts source = ServerDataSource(data_url="/defaultuser/CensusTracts.hdf5", owner_username="defaultuser") plot = square( 'LON', 'LAT', source=source, plot_width=600, plot_height=400, title="Census Tracts") ar.heatmap(plot, low=(255, 200, 200), points=True, title="Census Tracts (Server Colors)") show() ar.contours(plot, title="ISO Contours") show() from IPython.core.display import HTML import urllib def css_styling(): styles = urllib.urlopen('').read() return HTML(styles) css_styling()