#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # After [the test I did](http://databaseblog.myname.nl/2015/12/the-performance-of-mysql.html) with the C Extension of MySQL Connector/Python I was curious how costly using Transport Layer Security (TLS) is. # # Note: TLS is the successor of Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). None of the current MySQL versions support SSL at all, but all variable names still use SSL. # In[15]: import random import gzip import time import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import requests import mysql.connector print('Using MySQL Connector/Python {version}'.format(version=mysql.connector.__version__)) # In[16]: worlddb_url = 'https://downloads.mysql.com/docs/world.sql.gz' worlddb_req = requests.get(worlddb_url) if worlddb_req.status_code == 200: worldsql = gzip.decompress(worlddb_req.content).decode('iso-8859-15') # I've used [mysql_ssl_rsa_setup](https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/mysql-ssl-rsa-setup.html) to enable TLS on MySQL 5.7.10 running in MySQL Sandbox. # In[17]: config = { 'host': '', 'port': 5710, 'user': 'msandbox', 'passwd': 'msandbox', } tls_ca_file = '/home/dvaneeden/sandboxes/msb_5_7_10/data/ca.pem' # In[18]: c1 = mysql.connector.connect(ssl_ca=tls_ca_file, **config) cur1 = c1.cursor() cur1.execute('DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS world') cur1.execute('CREATE SCHEMA world DEFAULT CHARACTER SET latin1') cur1.execute('USE world') result = [x for x in cur1.execute(worldsql, multi=True)] cur1.close() c1.close() # In[19]: c1 = mysql.connector.connect(ssl_ca=tls_ca_file, **config) cur1 = c1.cursor() cur1.execute("SHOW SESSION STATUS LIKE 'SSL%'") tls_conn = {x[0]: x[1] for x in cur1 if x[0] in ['Ssl_version','Ssl_cipher']} print("Using protocol %s and cipher %s" % (tls_conn['Ssl_version'], tls_conn['Ssl_cipher'])) c1.close() # In[20]: config['db'] = 'world' # In[21]: perfdata = pd.DataFrame(columns=['connpy','connpy_tls'], index=range(10000)) # In[22]: for it in range(10000): city_id = random.randint(1,8000) start = time.perf_counter() c1 = mysql.connector.connect(ssl_ca=tls_ca_file, **config) cur1 = c1.cursor() cur1.execute("SELECT * FROM City WHERE ID=%s", (city_id,)) cur1.fetchone() c1.close() perfdata.ix[it]['connpy_tls'] = time.perf_counter() - start # In[23]: for it in range(10000): city_id = random.randint(1,8000) start = time.perf_counter() c1 = mysql.connector.connect(**config) cur1 = c1.cursor() cur1.execute("SELECT * FROM City WHERE ID=%s", (city_id,)) cur1.fetchone() c1.close() perfdata.ix[it]['connpy'] = time.perf_counter() - start # Now let's have a look to what our data looks like # In[24]: perfdata.head() # Now let's plot that # In[30]: get_ipython().run_line_magic('matplotlib', 'notebook') plt.style.use('ggplot') plt.scatter(perfdata.index, perfdata.connpy, s=1, c='r', label='Connector/Python No TLS') plt.scatter(perfdata.index, perfdata.connpy_tls, s=1, c='g', label='Connector/Python TLS') plt.ylim(ymin=0, ymax=0.03) plt.xlim(xmin=0, xmax=10000) plt.xlabel('Run #') plt.ylabel('Runtime in seconds') plt.legend() # The performance of MySQL Connector/Python 2.1 with TLS looks much slower than without TLS. # # But we create a new connection for each query. This is the worst-case senario. # # What would happen if we would use a persistend connection? # In[26]: perfdata2 = pd.DataFrame(columns=['p_connpy','p_connpy_tls'], index=range(10000)) # In[27]: c1 = mysql.connector.connect(**config) for it in range(10000): city_id = random.randint(1,8000) start = time.perf_counter() cur1 = c1.cursor() cur1.execute("SELECT * FROM City WHERE ID=%s", (city_id,)) cur1.fetchone() perfdata2.ix[it]['p_connpy'] = time.perf_counter() - start c1.close() # In[28]: c1 = mysql.connector.connect(ssl_ca=tls_ca_file, **config) for it in range(10000): city_id = random.randint(1,8000) start = time.perf_counter() cur1 = c1.cursor() cur1.execute("SELECT * FROM City WHERE ID=%s", (city_id,)) cur1.fetchone() perfdata2.ix[it]['p_connpy_tls'] = time.perf_counter() - start c1.close() # In[29]: get_ipython().run_line_magic('matplotlib', 'notebook') plt.style.use('ggplot') plt.scatter(perfdata2.index, perfdata2.p_connpy, s=1, c='r', label='Connector/Python No TLS') plt.scatter(perfdata2.index, perfdata2.p_connpy_tls, s=1, c='g', label='Connector/Python TLS') plt.ylim(ymin=0, ymax=0.001) plt.xlim(xmin=0, xmax=10000) plt.xlabel('Run #') plt.ylabel('Runtime in seconds') plt.legend() # This shows that not reconnecting for each and every query can make a huge difference when using TLS. # # The difference doesn't have to be as big. Using [TLS Tickets](https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc5077.txt) could reduce the reconnect cost. See also [MySQL Bug #76921](https://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=76921) # # I did this test also with the C Extension enabled, and the results were similar. But testing was a bit more complicated as there is no option to force TLS to be disabled. See also [MySQL Bug #79825](https://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=79825). # # The `perf top` output below was taken when running the test with TLS and reconnects for every statement. # In[31]: from IPython.display import Image Image(filename="perf_top_mysql_ssl.png")