%%bash wget -q dereneaton.com/downloads/simRADs.zip unzip simRADs.zip %%bash ## I have pyRAD in my $PATH so that I can call it by simply typing pyRAD. ## If you haven't done this then you will need to type the full path to ## the pyRAD script to execute it. ## call pyRAD with the (-n) option pyRAD -n %%bash cat params.txt %%bash sed -i '/## 7. /c\2 ## 7. N processors... ' params.txt sed -i '/## 10. /c\.85 ## 10. lowered clust thresh... ' params.txt sed -i '/## 14. /c\c85m4p3 ## 14. outprefix... ' params.txt sed -i '/## 24./c\8 ## 24. maxH raised ... ' params.txt sed -i '/## 30./c\* ## 30. all output formats... ' params.txt %%bash cat params.txt %%bash less simRADs_R1.fastq.gz | head -n 12 | cut -c 1-90 %%bash cat simRADs.barcodes %%bash pyRAD -p params.txt -s 1 %%bash ls fastq/ %%bash cat stats/s1.sorting.txt %%bash pyRAD -p params.txt -s 2 %%bash ls edits/ %%bash head -n 10 edits/1A0.edit | cut -c 1-80 %%bash pyRAD -p params.txt -s 3 %%bash less clust.85/1A0.clustS.gz | head -n 26 | cut -c 1-80 %%bash head -n 40 stats/s3.clusters.txt %%bash pyRAD -p params.txt -s 4 %%bash less stats/Pi_E_estimate.txt %%bash pyRAD -p params.txt -s 5 %%bash less stats/s5.consens.txt %%bash pyRAD -p params.txt -s 6 %%bash pyRAD -p params.txt -s 7 %%bash less stats/c85m4p3.stats %%bash ls outfiles/ %%bash head -n 39 outfiles/c85m4p3.loci | cut -c 1-75 %%bash head -n 50 outfiles/c85m4p3.phy | cut -c 1-85 %%bash head -n 50 outfiles/c85m4p3.nex | cut -c 1-85 %%bash head -n 50 outfiles/c85m4p3.alleles| cut -c 1-85 %%bash head -n 50 outfiles/c85m4p3.str | cut -c 1-20 %%bash head -n 40 outfiles/c85m4p3.geno %%bash head -n 50 outfiles/c85m4p3.snps | cut -c 1-85 %%bash head -n 50 outfiles/c85m4p3.unlinked_snps | cut -c 1-85 %%bash ## append group designations to the params file echo "pop1 4 1A0,1B0,1C0,1D0 " >> params.txt echo "pop2 4 2E0,2F0,2G0,2H0 " >> params.txt echo "pop3 4 3* " >> params.txt ## view params file cat params.txt %%bash pyRAD -p params.txt -s 7 %%bash less outfiles/c85m4p3.treemix.gz | head -n 30 %%bash head -n 40 outfiles/c85m4p3.migrate | cut -c 1-85