from IPython.core.display import Image Image(filename='./flame/flame.jpg') from numpy import * from scipy import signal from scipy.signal import filter_design as fd from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import scipy import scipy.fftpack from nptdms import TdmsFile tdms_file_EL1_ref = TdmsFile("./flame/data/experimentLS.tdms") tdms_file_EL2_ref = TdmsFile("./flame/data/experimentPS.tdms") ''' gruppi = tdms_file_EL2_ref.groups() print gruppi channels = tdms_file_EL2_ref.group_channels('Untitled') print channels ''' channel1 = tdms_file_EL1_ref.object('Readings', 'Voltage_0') data1 = time1 = channel1.time_track() channel2 = tdms_file_EL2_ref.object('Untitled', 'Voltage_1') data2 = time2 = channel2.time_track() # do stuff with data #sample_per_sec = 1000 figsize(20,5) figure(1) plot(time1,data1) figure(2) plot(time2,data2) from scipy.signal import lfilter, firwin #------------------------------------------------ # Create a FIR filter and apply it to signal. #------------------------------------------------ # The Nyquist rate of the signal. sample_rate = 1000. nyq_rate = sample_rate / 2. # The cutoff frequency of the filter: 6KHz = 6000.0 cutoff_hz = 0.2 #cutoff_hz = 0.003 # Length of the filter (number of coefficients, i.e. the filter order + 1) numtaps = 29 # Use firwin to create a lowpass FIR filter fir_coeff = firwin(numtaps, cutoff_hz/nyq_rate) # Use lfilter to filter the signal with the FIR filter filtered_data1 = lfilter(fir_coeff, 1.0, data1) filtered_data2 = lfilter(fir_coeff, 1.0, data2) figsize(20,5) figure(1) plot(time1,filtered_data1) figure(2) plot(time2,filtered_data2)